• 14 • mornings, memories, and moments

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'I'm a warrior,

I'm stronger than I've ever been'


Gilbert woke up suddenly that morning.

He'd never admit how long it took him to remember why Anne was laying next to him, but once he did, he felt conflicted.

Of course he was glad he could be there for her. He would do anything to help Anne. But he wished those things never happened to her...whatever they were. She didn't deserve whatever trauma she went through. No one did.

Anne being here made everything more complicated. He knew he had feelings for her and it was useless to deny that now. But he still felt the same way he did after dance practice. Them being together could end in him losing another valuable person in his life. He didn't want to lose her.

Anne woke up slowly.

She didn't often sleep well. Usually her head was filled with fantasies and nightmares. But last night she was okay. She was okay because,


Oh my god, Gilbert.

Her face was in the crook of his neck, so she couldn't see if he was awake. Her arm was around his chest and she could feel it rise and fall as he breathed.

"Gilbert?" She took her chances.

"Yes, Anne?" His voice sounded deeper.



She reluctantly pulled herself away from him until she could look at him.

Anne and Gilbert stared into each other's eyes. They weren't afraid to look anymore.

"Thank you." Anne whispered.

Gilbert flashed his boyish grin, "You're welcome."

Anne couldn't help but smile back. She was relieved he wasn't angry or immediately awkward with her. The last thing she wanted was to ruin their relationship.

Gilbert's face turned serious, "Do you want to talk about last night?"

He hoped he wasn't pushing too many boundaries, he just wanted Anne to know he was there to listen.

Do I want to tell him?

Anne wracked her brain, trying to rationalize if this was a good idea or not. Would he judge her? What if he hated her? Even worse, what if he pitied her?

But Anne was tired of hiding and pretending like her story and experiences didn't matter. Maybe helping the world change would start with this one conversation with this one boy who she felt actually understood her. At least he did more than others.

"Do you want to go on a walk?"


Anne didn't have any other clothes, so Gilbert grabbed her his coat to put on since she forgot her own.

"You'll be cold." She stated.

He shrugged, "I'll make it."

They exited the door and walked towards Green Gables in a deafening silence.

Anne took a deep breath, "You already know I didn't have the best life before I came here."

Gilbert looked down at the snow, "Yes, you have mentioned that."

"And I mostly talk about the people I lived with." Anne continued.

"Yes. They're why you know so much about dealing with kids and illnesses." Gilbert scratched the back of his neck, "It's part of the reason I came to you last night."

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