• 47 • wayward, wills, and withholding

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'All I knew this morning when I woke,

Is I know something now,

Know something now I didn't before'


Anne woke up the next morning baffled to see she had somehow made it back to Maggie's dorm.

She assumed the events of the previous night would escape her completely. Things would go back to normal and she wouldn't have to worry about something as ridiculous as feelings for a boy.

'I don't think I'll remember this. And if I don't, I want you to know I love you.'

But she remembered everything clear as day.

'If you remember this, I want you to tell me. I need you to.'

Anne shook her head in an attempt to clear her thoughts, but really it only brought to light how much her head hurt.

"Good morning sunshine." Maggie breezed into the bedroom appearing absolutely fine.

"How are you so okay right now?" Anne rubbed her forehead to distract herself from the pain.

"I get a lot of practice," Maggie smirked, "We need to get you to the station. Your train leaves soon."

Anne jumped out of bed having completely forgotten about the fact she had to spend hours on a train with Gilbert today.

Maggie could see the panic in her eyes, "Relax. You have enough time."

As reassuring as Maggie's confidence was, it wasn't enough to calm Anne down. Not when she had an inevitable conversation with Gilbert staring her in the face.

Only ten minutes following Anne's late wake-up, Gilbert strolled happily to the train platform.

Despite a terribly weak stomach, the effects of alcohol were lost on Gilbert. All but one.

He forgot everything from the night before.

As much as it made him anxious to not remember a thing he said or did in the past 12 hours, he considered himself lucky for leaving the night unscathed.

As long as Anne doesn't hate me, it doesn't matter.

But as Anne rushed onto the platform looking wide eyed and overwhelmed, Gilbert's heart sunk.

What happened?



Gilbert furrowed his eyebrows, "Are you okay?"

Anne wasn't okay, and she wasn't hiding that well at all.

"I'm fine," she looked away from him in an attempt to hide herself, "Just tired."

He laughed anxiously, "Yes, me too."

Something happened.

As if on cue, the train roared up, breaking the uncomfortable tension neither of them knew what to do with.

When it stopped and the doors opened, Gilbert gestured towards the entrance, "After you."

Anne's eyes lost their crazed look and softened, "Thank you."

She felt herself relax a little. Maybe he didn't remember.

But of course the first thing Gilbert asked when they were finally settled on the train was,

"Do you remember anything? From last night?"

The two sat directly across from each other, their knees occasionally bumping with the movement of the train.

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