• 9 • prodding, plotting, and posting

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'Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out

I know what you're doin',

Trying to get me to pursue ya'


The two families fell into a rhythm.

Bash and Gilbert would come to Green Gables in the morning to help get Jerry started for the day.

Marilla made them breakfast, where Anne would join them.

Gilbert and Anne walked to school together everyday. Gilbert was already at Green Gables in the morning, so it just made sense.

Diana relished in the fact that they spent so much time together. Not that having them walk together or happen to be dance partners was part of her plan, but it was certainly working out.

Being the nosy person she is, Diana started coming to Green Gables before school to make sure they met up.

One day, she was caught.


Diana jumped and turned around to see Jerry with a goofy smile on his face.

Diana couldn't help but smile back.

"Jerry, bonjour! Comment allez-vous?" (Jerry, hi! How are you?)

"Bien maintenant que tu es lá." (Good, now that you're here.)

Diana blushed and felt that butterfly feeling Anne always described when she talked about Gilbert.

"Viens marcher avec moi." Diana offered, boldly. (Come walk with me.)

Jerry never had a girl even look at him other than Anne, and Anne was practically his sister. Now a beautiful girl was asking him to walk with her. Jerry didn't understand the implications behind walking that Diana did.

Diana knew exactly what she was doing. Jerry was like her opposite with a link of French in the middle. Such a different way of life was unbelievably attractive to her.

Jerry would have loved to walk with Diana, but he knew he couldn't, "Demain?" (Tomorrow?)

"Oui!" (Yes!)

Diana walked away feeling as triumphant as ever.

Romance was in the air.

Ruby Gillis wasn't nearly as satisfied.

Her heart broke every time she watched Anne and Gilbert walk into the schoolhouse laughing and looking into each other's eyes. They seemed more dedicated to each other than Josie and Billy were, and those two were almost officially courting.

To add insult to injury, the 'Take Notice' board was alive again, and no one had posted for her. Gilbert hadn't posted at all.

The moment Anne walked in on a Wednesday she'd describe as "glorious and lavish autumn morning," Ruby yanked her to the side of the classroom where no one else was.

Gilbert watched in confusion, but didn't say a word. He knew Ruby liked him, but he figured it was a silly crush that would fade easily.

Boy was he wrong.

"Anne, what are you doing?"

Ruby looked angrily into Anne's eyes, who stared back confused and overwhelmed. 

"Sorry?" Anne muttered, wondering what in the world Ruby was on about today.

Yesterday at story club she wrote a tragic story where a blonde princess had her prince stolen by a red haired witch.

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