• 37 • exams, entrances, and exits

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'But our friends are back

So let's raise a tab

'Cause I found someone to carry me home'


The day had finally arrived.

Queens Exam day.

The day that dictated the Avonlea students' lives.

To claim Anne was nervous was a huge understatement. As much as she insisted she would only go to Queens and turn down the potential opportunity at University of Toronto, deep down she knew a small part of her wanted to go. She at least wanted the option.

And that all depended on the next two hours of her life.

Gilbert was just as anxious.

He hadn't decided on his choice to propose to Winifred, but there was no point in it if he didn't even have the scores to get into the Sorbonne.

The students of Avonlea were already nervously pacing around in front of the school when Diana ran up only two minutes before the test began.

"Diana?" Anne met her best friend and hugged her, "Whatever are you doing here?"

"Am I too late? Can I still take the test?" She bent over out of breath.

"No late additions." Neither of them noticed the Queens official who distributed and monitored all test-taking walked up behind them.

"Please," Anne looked up at him with pleading eyes, "She has so much potential, you have to let her take it."

Anne noticed Miss Stacy out of the corner of her eye, "Please let her take it, Miss Stacy. I'll give up my test for her if that's what it takes."

"Don't be silly," Diana got Anne's attention and shook her head sadly, "I appreciate your sacrifice, but this is your chance to have your dreams."

Anne felt herself tearing up, "Shouldn't you have a chance too?"

"Calm down, you two. Both of you will take the exam." Miss Stacy smiled deviously, "I believe you already have a test in there for Diana Barry, correct?"

The official flipped through his papers, "It appears I do."

Diana was dumbfounded, "But how-"

"If your Aunt Josephine wasn't already trying to convince you, I was going to do it myself."

Diana smiled, "Thank you, Miss Stacy. You have no idea how much this means to me."

She threw her arms around Miss Stacy who smiled, "I think I have an idea."

Miss Stacy looked around at her students, "Now get in there and make me proud!"

The students cheered and ran into the schoolhouse, all except Anne, who stood motionless.

"It's time, Anne. You can do it."

"What if I don't do well enough?" Anne muttered, "What if I don't even get into Queens? I'm just an orphan who spent years of her life trapped in an asylum and taking care of children."

Miss Stacy put her hand on Anne's shoulder and looked at her intently, "Anne, you are one of the brightest minds Avonlea has ever seen. I have no doubt you'll do well enough for Queens and U of T."

"You know?"

"I knew the moment I suggested you send that letter to Elizabeth. Go show them what the great mind of Anne Shirley-Cuthbert can do."

Anne had never been more elated. She hugged Miss Stacy and ran inside to her seat.

She got there just in time for tests to be passed around. Gilbert looked up when Anne ran in and stared at the back of her head.

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