• 49 • patients, practical, and promises

407 23 15

'Life goes on, but I'm gone

Cause I die, without you'


Gilbert left the Cuthbert home to find Bash still frozen in their cart.

"What are you doing?" Gilbert was overwhelmed with emotion, and Bash was bound to be the perfect punching bag.

"What happened in there?" Bash shifted so Gilbert could jump into the cart, but Gilbert refused to move.

"I had to tell her." He put his hand on the cart to steady himself, "Why is it always me who has to tell her?"

And that's when he finally broke.

Bash hadn't seem him cry before and he had no idea how to handle it, "Gilbert-"

"I told my father." Gilbert stared at the ground as his voice rose, "I told Marilla."

He looked up at Bash in desperation, "I told Anne."

"Told them-"

"She's dying, Bash."

Delly hiccuped. Even she could tell something was wrong.

Gilbert ran his fingers through his hair, "Do you know how many people I saved? None."

Bash shook his head, "That's not true."

Gilbert began pacing by the cart.

"You saved that woman," Bash continued, "in Trinidad, and her child."

"All I did was-"

"You said your mother died from a breech birth." He affirmed, "What do you think would have happened to her and her child if not for you?"

Gilbert stared back in silence with his mouth hanging open.

"You saved me." Bash muttered.

He didn't know if he ever properly thanked Gilbert for all he had done.

"Not medically." Gilbert played defense.

"Saving someone isn't always medical."

Gilbert stood in the silence, his chest heaving. He knew Bash was right.

"Ya think I would have gotten off that ship without you? Met my wife? Had this baby?" Bash stared down at him, "No, Blythe, I would still be shoveling coal."

The wind blew, harder than usual, causing Delly to whimper softly.

Bash held out his hand, "Come on. Let's go."

"I don't want to go." Gilbert glanced at the house.

"We need to get Delly home."

"You can get Delly home."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Gilbert felt guilty. Bash didn't deserve this.

"Blythe." Bash patted the cart next to him, "Let's go."

Gilbert hopped in the cart silently and took a deep breath as they rode away.


Back inside Green Gables, Anne was sitting next to Marilla on her bed.

"Please let me do something. I want to help."

Anne's face was still bright from crying, but she had forced herself to calm down.

Marilla shook her head slowly, "Now I don't want you fussing over something that could be nothing."

"It's not nothing." Anne protested.

"We don't know what it is." Marilla countered, for the sake of calming Anne more than lying to herself.

But Anne wouldn't budge, "Gilbert said it's a brain tumor."

"I know."

"That's fatal."

"I know."

Silence fell over them and Anne felt tears coming to her eyes again.

Not now.

She swallowed and attempted to steady her voice, "So let me do something."

"Look at me." Marilla put her hand on Anne's, "I'll have none of this crying nonsense."

"Marilla, please." Anne grasped her hand tightly.

Marilla tensed, "Anne Shirley-Cuthbert! I don't care if I'm up and running or halfway into my grave, you will listen."

Anne didn't expect Marilla in this state to be so...Marilla. Despite any news she received about her life expectancy, her personality never wavered.

As much as Anne was frustrated, she was comforted.

Marilla tapped her daughter's hand, "We're going to get everything ready for you. We'll go through finances, get your name on all fiscal documents, give you access to our funds, everything you need."

Anne shook her head in defiance, "Stop that."

"Anne!" Marilla exclaimed, fully sitting up.

"Marilla, how can you be so unfeeling?" Anne felt tears rolling down her face. It was too late to try and stop them now.

"I'm not unfeeling," Marilla raised her eyebrows, "I'm practical."

"Why can't you be emotional for once?" Anne choked.

"You seem to forget I've been an orphan before." Marilla's voice softened a bit, "I had to drop out of school to take care of a farm and my brother."

She wiped a tear from Anne's cheek, "That will not happen to you. You will achieve your dreams - Toronto, Queens, wherever you want. Be practical for me, for once, please Anne."

Anne stared at her with wide eyes, "Gilbert said you want me to go to Toronto."

"I think you should." Marilla smiled. Of course Gilbert told her. "We can figure out money."

"I received a full scholarship." Anne bit her lip.

Marilla smiled wider than Anne had ever seen before, "My incredible girl. I'm so proud of you."

Anne's heart swelled. As much as seeing Marilla smile so much made her feel joy, the truth looming in the background was Marilla wouldn't be here to smile like that for much longer.

"Okay," Anne gave in, "I'll be practical."

"I love you, my girl."

"I love you too."

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