• 11 • freedoms, fields, and flowers

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Probably one of my favorite chapters :)


'How much longer will it take to cure this?

Just to cure it, 'cause I can't ignore it if it's love.'


Marilla was finally ready to leave Green Gables for the first time since Matthew's death.

It was about to be harvest season and the ever-nagging Rachel Lynde insisted Marilla leave on a small getaway before it was time to hunker down. As much as Marilla detested any sort of lolligagging, she knew Rachel, for once, was right.

"Anne I'm going!" Marilla yelled upstairs, "Where are you, child?"

"One second!" Anne yelled down.

Anne was frantically searching her room for her green dress she had recently made with Marilla. She wanted Marilla to see how nice it looked and leave on a bright note for her vacation.

How fantastical, a vacation. I wonder if I'll ever travel into the great world.

But, for now, Anne groaned in frustration. Her dress was no where to be found and Marilla was anything but patient.

"I don't have all day and you know how Rachel feels about tardiness!" Marilla called to her. 

Anne cut her losses and ran downstairs still in her pajamas with her hair flowing down. 

"Anne! Please put on some clothes before you-"

Anne slammed Marilla into a hug that made Marilla totally forget any reason to be cross with her.

Matthew's death had bonded the two together. They were both missing Matthew and had to look for some parts of him in each other. Anne became more reliable for Marilla and Marilla became warmer for Anne.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Anne."

The two separated and Marilla straightened out her dress, "Now, that's enough of that."

Marilla held Anne's shoulders and looked at her inquisitively, "You'll be good while I'm gone?"

"My best behavior."

"You won't burn down the house?"

"No I will not."

"You won't get lost on an adventure?"

"That I can't promise."

Marilla rolled her eyes, "Please do be careful. I asked Bash and Mary to check on you and they said you could go there if you need anything."

"I don't need anyone to check in on me!" Anne whined. She finally had some independence and she didn't want anyone, even people as lovely as Bash and Mary, to interrupt her chance at freedom, "Bash and Mary shouldn't be bothered-"

"You aren't a bother, Anne."

The two hadn't notice Gilbert enter through the front door.

"Sorry," He glanced at Marilla, worrying he had been rude, "I didn't mean to intrude or overstep. I just wanted Anne to know she's always welcome at our home."

Marilla would usually be upset at anyone coming in during a conversation with her family, but Gilbert was different. He and Bash were part of their family now, just as Jerry was. It also helped that he was supporting her point with Anne. Now that Matthew was gone, she needed backup.

Anne was completely flustered. Gilbert had his little crooked smirk he wore when Marilla was embarrassing Anne. It didn't help that he looked strong and even a little dirty from working on the farm. Something about him in this state was undeniably attractive to Anne.

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