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I roughly shook Levi to wake him up, panicking I tried to catch my breath as I kept stuttering his name.

He shot up and tried to calm me, asking what was wrong. "Mom..she'", he nodded understandingly then we rushed to get ready and ran to the hospital.

"His mother has been in an accident, Mrs. Yeager?", the nurse looked at me and beared that pity smile I hated so much, I didn't have time to think about that. Where was mom. Levi was told to wait while I followed her into the room where mom was hooked up to a medicine pump.

I headed back to Levi and sat next to him. "She's sleeping right now, I'm going to stay here until she wakes up. You can go home", Levi hit my head softly with the water bottle he held in his hand, telling me to drink afterwards. "I'll stay", he said before I handed the bottle back after drinking.

I sat by her bed side and held her hand, Levi sat on the guest chair.

"Are you going to continue dating her even though it hurts you", Levi asked as we were sent home, since visiting times were over. "Yeah", I whispered. It'd be better, just go back to the life thats planned out for you. Apologize and focus on their feelings. Don't think of yourself, dont be selfish. It was probably my selfishness that drove my mother into that accident.

--the next day--

Yesterday they told us she would be awake after a few hours but now they told me she was in a coma and couldn't tell me when mom would wake up.
The vase I brought from home had flowers in them that I bought hoping she would be here awake.

I walked home after talking to mom believing she could hear me, I heard stories where patients could hear everything.

When I arrived home, I got a call from Mikasa. We ended up making up over the phone. What the hell was I doing.


"We wanted to go on a trip for the winter break", Mikasa said as we all sat on the top floor in school. They were eating but I forgot my Bento at home. Levi had stopped hanging out with me at school since that incident.
"Can Levi come", I asked without thinking and everyone went silent for a second, probably unsure of how to reject what I had said. "Eren, its more of a couples trip", Mikasa said with an annoyed look on her face.

"Oh", I said before looking into the void losing interest in the conversation. Mikasa had apologized for what happened with Levi and to his face as well as stopped talking about him behind his back. However she couldn't hide her emotions whenever I brought up his name. Doesn't matter, tomorrow I don't have to be here anyway.

Mikasa kissed me goodbye in front of Levi at the school gates before going off with Annie to have a girls night. Armin tagged along with Levi and I to visit my mom.

"How was school Yeager?", Levi asked as we three walked to the hospital together.
"Maybe if you'd show up, you would know Ackerman", he snorted at my comment and walked faster leaving Armin and I behind.
This was troublesome indeed. Armin ripped me out of my thoughts to tell me, we arrived.

We all entered the room and mom was peacefully laying there. "Hey mom", I greeted before sitting besides her cold, plain hospital bed. "Armin came to visit with us today. I really wish you'd wake up before Christmas, mom. I already got your present", the sight became unbearable for me and I had to get up leaving the room "Bye mom, I love you", I muttered before sliding the door closed. "Done already?", Armin questioned and I sighed before nodding.

We separated ways with Armin, heading to my house. "Are you leaving again?", I asked and he avoided my gaze as he had been doing the past few days. He would take me to mom after school, feed me then leave. Today I lied and said I had already eaten in school because I knew if I ate, it would come back up. "Maybe you should call your girlfriend if you're feeling lonely, Yeager", emotionless face to match his emotionless voice. He was right though, I needed to stop clinging to him. That didn't mean it didn't hurt.

He took a deep breath and sighed before running his fingers through his hair agitated and leaving. As he walked away, my stomach turned. I slammed the door closed and fell onto my knees, just sitting in the hallway, unaware of everything around me. All I understood was the feeling of exhaustion. I slept for the rest of the day not that the nightmares let me sleep easily.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now