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"That's enough", I pressed my face against his chest to hide the embarrassment and I heard him laugh softly as he patted me on the head.

"You really do drive me crazy, Yeager", I looked back at him and he gazed softly down at me. I sat up right and our lips brushed against each other, the anticipation drove me crazy. Already knowing the taste of his lips is what made it unbearable to wait for our lips to meet again.

I bit into my bottom lip and my breathing was shaky, Levi pulled away each time I came closer but stayed close enough so that I could feel his breath. "No, I think you're the one who drives me crazy, Ackerman".

Finally he gave in and pressed his lips against mine immediately my stomach turned like I had butterflies. He kissed my lower lip and bit it slowly. I felt like we would eat each other if we didn't slow down.

He kissed down my neck and warmth covered each area his lips touched. Before I knew it, I laid underneath him and he stared down upon me. "Let's stop before I lose myself", his hungry gaze averted itself from mine and he seemed to struggle to move, but he got off me, sitting back up.

"I've never felt that good from a kiss before", I confessed worried he thought he was the only one who wanted it to happen. He turned to look at me with that heartwarming stare, tenderly chuckling.

I turned the lights off and laid in the futon, holding my arms open, he laid his head on my chest and I played with his hair until we both fell asleep.


Even though my mood had been up due to Levi, the lack of motivation returned slowly. I skipped my therapy appointment again and lied to Levi for the first time. I didn't know what I was doing, I couldn't think straight. I spent that afternoon in a park alone.

On my way back to the train station, a car suddenly slid screeching, a wave of fear came upon me and I crouched terrified to move. People gathered around me and it got harder to breath, tears started to build as I felt overwhelmed.

The ambulance was called and I was brought to the hospital, then mom was called. How troublesome.

Mom entered the hospital room along with Levi. Guilt ate away at my conscious. "Seems cars aren't our thing, sweetie", she joked even though her voice shook. Mom grabbed my hand, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Levi was waiting for you, so I brought him along. Are you hungry? Should I get you some water?", mom fretted all over the place, it took me a while to calm her down before she fell asleep in the guest chair.

I could feel his eyes burning a hole through me, as I looked over I saw the anger in his eyes and was glad my mother was there. "You're a fucking idiot, why can't you ever talk to me", he sighed agitated pacing through the bad lit hospital room.

"I'm sorry", he looked over at me and leaned against a wall prior to filling me a cup of water. As he handed it to me, he said "I'm sure you haven't eaten today", he was right, if I wasn't reminded I still went the day without eating, I took the cup ignoring his question however saying thank you.

He looked at the clock and back at me "I have to go, call me when you're discharged", I nodded and blew him a kiss. He caught it and pretended to eat it before leaving. Even though he was slightly mad, he still made sure to take care of me.

Mom woke up as the nurse came in with the release papers. I looked over at her on the car ride home, she apologized in advance for making me ride in a car. Annoyance just filled me knowing I had bothered her again. Maybe I was really just useless as myself after all.

Mom made me go upstairs to rest, which wasn't out of the ordinary anymore. I remember only four months ago, I was so busy and always out with friends and on pointless dates with my ex.

I wanted to call Levi, but my body already shut down as soon as I had laid down.

---Next day---

As mom put food next to me, I turned to look at it but turned back around. "Sweetheart, please eat", she kneeled on the floor grabbing my face, making me look at her.

"No thanks mom, I'm just not hungry", I hoped she'd understand but her eyebrows furrowed before getting up and looking around my room.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now