Can I kiss you

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Hi ;-; another authors note, just want to say thank you again for reading until here and I wanna put a warning here cause the next two chapters will contain smut/sexual acts scenes but I recommend reading them cause they also cute/sad


Levi and Mom were leisurely chatting while I slowly sipped the tea Mom had brewed us. I was glad mom was happy and Levi was in my life despite everything that was going on in my head, I was grateful I had them both. Don't worry, Armin too of course.

"Come here", he demanded after I had just came out of the shower. I walked over to him and he pulled me into his lap. He turned on the hair dryer, brushing through my hair as he followed the sections he brushed with the blow dryer. It always felt nice and I always fall asleep despite the noise.

"Eren", my shoulder was being tugged and my eyes fluttered open after realizing I was sitting on my boyfriend. "Sorry", I yawned and he let out a single chuckle. "Wanna face me", I turned to face him and the closeness of his face made me go red enough to want to hide.

His eyes stared at my lips and I felt this tension I had never felt before, maybe it was me still waking up however then his thumb rubbed over my chapped lips tugging my bottom lip downwards. "Can I kiss you", unable to say a word I slowly bobbed my head yes. Levi's fingers ran down my neck as he gazed upon me making me anticipate a single kiss even more.

Inches away from my lips, hesitantly coming closer just to tease me. Finally his lips met mine, we both melted into the kiss. His tongue that roamed my mouth overpowered all my senses as it wriggled inside hitting the roof of my mouth. I grabbed ahold of his shoulders to hold myself as our tongues intertwined for dominance.

Levi pulled back biting my lower lip before letting go. "You make me go insane, Yeager. I want to make you unable to utter a word, well properly anyway", his intense silver eyes pierced through mine leaving me trapped not able to even think of averting my gaze.

A chill went down my spine and I pulled him into another sloppy kiss. It was the other way around, he was the one that made me crazy. Our clothes were being torn off by each other and his lips traced all over my body. He got down on my boxers rubbing over my clothed crotch, noises escaped me but he didn't slow down.

He took his other free hand lifting my right thigh pushing it towards me, I've never knew I was that flexible. He bit into my thigh and an overwhelming pleasure went throughout my body. He licked over the bite mark on my thigh then proceeding to pull my boxers down revealing my cock.

I was too turned on to be embarrassed all my mind could process was touch me more. He started jerking my cock and I couldn't get the words out, just a bunch of jumbled words. "Mh~ who knew you could make such sweet sounds", he whispered in my ear as his hand went faster.

He bit my ear as I ejaculated on his hand, as I came back to my senses I sprung up embarrassed. "Your hand, I'm so-", he grinned then licked over his hand.

"Itadakimasu", I couldn't help but laugh which shocked him. I was worried I had offended him but suddenly he tightly wrapped me in his arms "Levi?".

"Seeing you turned on and laughing after the past few days. I was a bit worried but right now I'm really happy", how could someone be this caring, especially towards someone like me.

I patted his head trying to ignore the fact I was naked and he half, but it couldn't be ignored since I could clearly see the tent in his boxers. I gently pushed him back on the futon climbing on top of him. "Now its my turn to make you feel good", I gave him a kiss before going down on him.

"I've never done this before so sorry if I'm bad", I could already see from the tent that he was bigger than I was. But how was I supposed to fit that in my mouth.

I stared at it concentrated and ran a finger up his shaft. It gave a reaction so I licked up his shaft then, it had a weird smell but it also kind of turned me on. I placed a hand on Levis cock stroking it vertically and licked over the tip to taste the precum which was salty.

I heard groans coming from Levi and it turned me on even more.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now