Clean but unlived in

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The light from the setting sun shone across the desk tops, but the room was cold despite it looking warm.

"I'm sorry. I can't promise you anything, but I know that we can overcome it all. You're always helping me, so let me suppress your worries.", I put my pinky out and he scoffed wrapping his around mine. "You're unbelievable, Yeager".

I picked up my bag and pulled Levi up so we could finally leave school. "I still need to go home and ask mom and clothes", he waved his phone. "I already asked her, you'll be fine", he went the opposite direction of the one we always took.

We walked into a deserted street, where nobody was outside, not even a plant was to be found. We passed a suspicious looking bar, but Levi didn't leave me any time to look around. He rushed forwards pulling my hand. He took the keys out of his pocket as we walked up stairs to stop in front of  chipped, moldy white door.

I heard the lock click as soon as we were inside and looked back to see him locking it. The inside looked like it was store bought, it was unexpected since the outside looked old and broken.

Clean but unlived in, those were the words I could describe it with. "I'll be right back. Don't open the door. No. Matter. What.", he placed emphasis on the last three words.

He grabbed a thick looking envelope looking over at me, who sat on the couch indecisive if he should leave or not. "I'll stay put, promise. Go, Levi", he grumbled and left locking the door from the outside.

My hands ran over the couch, which seemed brand new. He wasn't kidding when he said it was not lived in. I stood up to roam the rest of his apartment.

The kitchen was small but big enough for a table of four. The bathroom was big and cozy, he had a shower in it though. There were two more rooms, before I could enter I heard Levi call my name.

"I was just looking around", I walked back into the living room to see him placing the keys on a high table. "Are you hungry", I shook my head as he walked into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of tea of the refrigerator.

"I don't know why I asked", he took out rice pouring it into the rice cooker as well as water. I sat on a chair and poured tea into the glasses he set on the table. "Wanna shower while I cook", he asked while taking tomatoes out the fridge.

I shook my head again wondering what was wrong with me. I continued staring at him and he looked over at me again with a smirk. "I'm sorry, would you like me first", he teased as he winked at me. I got flustered and stuttered shower hence him laughing.

"I'll put some clothes here", he placed them onto a hamper in the bathroom before closing the door leaving me in there. He had already turned the water on the perfect temperature for me and placed body wash and shampoo on the edge of the shower.

I never stayed at someone else's house except for Mikasa and Armin, but that was normal for childhood friends, well until Mikasa and I were banned from sleeping in the same room. But she never got me flustered, people called me mature but it was more of a being an asshole thing. Levi managed to get me flustered with a single sentence.

Abruptly my mood darkened as I stood under the water. As I washed up, the thoughts overwhelmed me and I wasn't capable of calming down. A storm was brewing inside me. Why was he all alone. Where was his family. Why did I waste a year with Mikasa. How could he love me, a murderer, a burden, a problem child. Why was I alive. Tears filled my eyes and I turned off the water.

Thereafter I dried myself off and put on the clothes Levi left me. The pants were too big so I left them off. I came into the kitchen looking at the food that sat on the table and couldn't stomach the thought of eating it.

He was sitting in the living room and looked over at me as I entered. His eyes roamed my body as I walked closer placing myself on his lap facing him. He placed his hands on my lower back as I placed my on his shoulders. He looked concerned but before he could get a word out, I pressed my lips against his. "Make the thoughts stop", I chocked in a hushed tone.

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