I missed you

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The suicidal feeling was magnified at the beginning and it scared me, but that was only because I had to get use to the pills.

I drank my tea as we always had to and feel asleep excited for the next day.

---the next morning---

I packed my things and took a deep breath. In an hour I'd be released, I couldn't take how slow time was going by.

However eventually time was over and I picked up my bag to slowly walk out the ward. I told the nurses goodbye as well as the fellow patients.

The whole world froze, I didn't care how stupid it sounded. As soon as I saw him, everything felt right and I had to try my best to not cry.

I dropped my bag and ran to hug him. His arms wrapped themselves around my waist as he picked me up off the ground while my arms were around his neck.

Tears started to fall anyway "I..I missed you so much", I blubbered into the shirt he was wearing while clutching onto it. His warmth felt nice and his smell nauseated me. The feeling of his arms wrapped around me made me melt.

"Yeah, I missed you too", he said in his usual calm tone as he cupped my tear stained face and pressed his lips against mine. I felt like I was in a K-drama and I didn't care who saw. I pulled him closer as I melted into his kiss.

My hands ran through his hair and his clutch tightened around my waist, I pulled back suddenly to get another look at him.

I started crying again and he chuckled while wiping my tears away. "Crybaby", he grabbed my hand and walked over to my bag. He threw it over his shoulder and looked at me. "Ready?".

I sniffled quietly and nodded. We made our way to the train station. The best thing about being with Levi is he was like mom. They wouldn't make me say anything, they were calm and sat next to me.

"Levi", I pulled his sleeve and he looked over at me with that poker face I haven't forgot.

"I'm really sorry about what happened that day. I was really selfish on that day and I didn't think about what it could do to you. So thank you for picking me up and kissing me even though I've put you through the worst".

His hand placed itself on top of my head and he gave me a smile "You're worth going to hell and back for, Yeager, I'm going to be honest, at the beginning it was hard to forgive you and it really stirred something up in me. But my love for you is greater, so just promise you'll never do that again", for the first time he stood up and gave me his pinky.

I looked at him confused at first but wrapped mine around his nonetheless. He pulled me up as our train stopped and opened its doors.

We got to my house and I went upstairs to put my things away as Levi started dinner. I ran back down the stairs to see him cutting away in the kitchen. "What are you cooking", I asked wrapping my arms around his torso from behind.

He spun around and picked me up to place me on top of the counter. "Stew", he answered while staring at my completely reddened face. He fed me a carrot piece before putting them into the pot.

"Did they really help you", he asked placing the lid back onto the pot.
"Yeah, they did, now regarding that I actually have something to tell you, can u help me off the counter", I placed a hand on his shoulder as he took my other one lowering me on the ground.

He was still as buff as ever.

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