Levi: 2

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I turned 16 that dreadful year, spending it at Farlans and Isabels grave.

Eventually I left that apartment not being able to stand the sight of it and ended up on the streets. One evening I had gotten beat the shit out of, I couldn't defend myself with my body being as weak as it was due to malnutrition.

I sat on the sidewalk barely able to keep my eyes open and suddenly an umbrella was placed over my head. A boy with mesmerizing emerald eyes and short brown hair knelt before me placing a handkerchief against my cheek. Then he placed 3000 yen in my hand, words came from his lips but the rain and exhaustion drowned them out. I remember him running in the rain since he left me his umbrella.

The money was spent on food and I tried searching for work again, even though I had money set aside, it was a connection to them and I couldn't bring myself to touch it.

My search for work wasn't going well and the people who I fought with all looked down on me and broke what strength I had left.

A second savior came as I was close to giving up again. This time it was an adult, a woman named Hanji. Thats how I got to meet my to be school nurse. I enrolled back into school for her out of gratitude and obligation.

It had already been two years since that day, I was 18 now but was too scared to return to socializing.

Results were me skipping the first day of school on the roof. The lunch bell had rang and I was ready to give up and tell Hanji I wasn't capable, but on my way down the boy with the emerald eyes walked past me. He went to the roof with his friends not giving me a single glance.

He had probably forgotten that pathetic person on the sidewalk but my curiosity got the best of me and I ended up going to school the next day.

I was scolded for being late on my 'first' day but didn't care less. I went up to the roof again knowing he'd be there. This time he noticed me but I closed the door just as fast as I had opened it.

From afar I started watching him and it became clear to me. Mister Perfect was far from perfect, he did everything with caution. I got bored of the good boy act losing interest of watching, he was nice to me because that was what he forced himself to do, I try to search for light even though its impossible. Everyone was out for themselves.

I returned to my normal routine and was in another pointless fight I was about to win since I had gotten my muscles back. All of a sudden they ran away, I turned to see the guy behind me. What the hell I thought as I dropped myself onto a random wooden box running my fingers through my hair.

I caught my breath as he was in front of me just staring. "You look like shit", he suddenly said catching me off guard. I had laughed for the first time in years.

"What's that? The Eren Yeager does have a foul side to him".

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