So What if i love you

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Not long after, Levi and I were on our way home. On the way a car screeched and I jumped back panicking for a moment.

However thanks to the therapist I had, I knew how to get it under control, but Levi still stood in the way between me and my view of the car protecting me.

"Sorry, sometimes that just happens", he didn't say anything but instead did the most Levi thing in the world.

He patted my head proceeding by grabbing my hand and looked at me with the face that made me believe everything would be okay. I absolutely trusted Levi and was about to begin a new chapter, so I decided it was time to tell him about 5 years ago.

"My dad was a scientist", I declared as I sat on the couch next to Levi. He picked my legs up putting them on his lap and lying his hand on my thigh.

I looked at him and smiled yet I dreaded confronting the past.

"My life was amazing before dad died, I mean I had problems with myself, but who didn't at that age? My parents worked all the time, matter of fact mom was actually his assistant , thats how they met. One day, I begged dad to stay home because I wanted him to practice soccer with me, I had tried out for the team", I took a deep breath to calm myself and Levi gripped my hand allowing me to start talking again.

"The train station. I loved the train, Mom wanted to go with us too, but she stayed home. Anyway..we were on our way and this little boy runs out in traffic, I ran after him but he still got hit by the car. I froze and apparently the first car caused a chain reaction, so dad saved me from the second car. All I remember is sitting in blood and not being able to breathe. Mom got fired due to her lying in bed all day and fell into a bad phase, the boy is still alive so that made it a little more bearable...yeah thats how I developed my phobia of cars".

Levi took me into a tight hug and I felt better than I thought I would. He then pushed me back taking my hand into his. A sad smile sat upon his face.

"Thank you for being so strong this far, I'm proud of you. Thank you for trusting me, since you did, I guess its my turn".

Levi told me about his father that he never knew and about the mother he lost to a sickness he doesn't know the name of till this day. He tried to keep a poker face but the frustration on his face couldn't be hidden. He then barely managed to tell me about Furlan and Isabel.

"You know, we actually met a year ago", surprised I looked at him as he handed me a small rag that I recognized as the one I gave to a boy last fall.

"You were that boy", I gasped clenching the rag in my hand. Levi simply nodded and laid his head my shoulder. "Thank you for everything, Eren", he whispered. I could tell he was exhausted and shortly after he fell asleep on my chest.

"No, thank you for coming into my life, Levi".

---four years later

"Say cheese", Armin, Annie, Levi, Hanji, Mom and I stood in front of the café as the tripod with my phone took our picture.

"We did it, we've finally made it to the starting line", I shouted a bit too excited, I turned to Levi and jumped in his arms whereupon I received a kiss before he gently placed me back down.

"Tomorrow is the day, they'll all come due to our hard customer recruiting work", I looked around the empty, soon to be opened café. Levi chuckled and patted the seat next to him, so I would listen to him play.

---the next day---

Levi sat at the piano swarmed by mostly women. Mom and I prepared the drinks and I served them to the customers tables. A lot more customers than expected came in, it was probably because we were one of the few cafés around in the area, which was lucky for us.

Before I knew it, the day was over and it was closing time.

"Thanks for helping mom", she kissed me on the forehead and Levi came over to bow "Thank you Auntie", she patted Levi on the head and smiled. "How many times do I have to tell you call me mom", she lectured. After she left first, we closed the shop.

"The girls were all over you", I pouted as he opened our apartment door.

I heard him laugh softly and I ended up being kabedoned against our hallway wall. I felt my face flush as he gazed upon me with a smirk.

"I'm sure the engagement ring on my finger that you gave me made them even more jealous than you", his thumb and index finger held my chin up as he gently pressed his lips against mine biting my bottom lip.

"Do you love me, Yeager", he was always so unfair, he kissed me a second time before I could answer.

"Idiot, so what if I love you, of course I do..", he picked me up and started to walk towards our bedroom ignoring my pleas to let me down.

"I love you too, Eren", I was silenced by a single sentence as he placed me on our bed and looked down on me with those piercing grey eyes. My happy end but tiring night.

I'm actually embarrassed ╥﹏╥, somehow my last chapter disappeared and the same one was posted two times. So thank you to the person who made that clear, I would've gone weeks without noticing, I also had thrown the papers away so I was close to crying but I found the last page. I'm sorry for the confusion.

Tbh I wanted it to be a tragic ending meaning Eren would've died, but then I thought thats too much. The story was actually supposed to be fluffy since my other two stories were more dark but I couldn't do it. I live for the angst and fluff type.

I hope you enjoyed the story and are content with the ending, if there are any couples you would like a fanfic written about, don't hesitate to tell me✊🏽😔 I'm already looking for inspiration for my next story.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now