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Lunch break came and Levi kidnapped me, after we ate, taking me to a more abandoned part of the school. Its not like nobody used that part of the school but it was rare that you found someone there.

"What's u-", my words were muffled with a kiss. I completely fell under his spell placing my hands on his shoulders to stand on my toes. "Open your mouth", he commanded in a low tone. Subconsciously before I could even think I obeyed.

His tongue twined around mine and I groaned while he had his way with the inside of my mouth. He finally pulled away smirking. "Thanks for desert".

We started walking back to class and I was still in dreamland unsure of what had just happened. My face still felt warm and I hid behind Levi so no one would notice.

He always made me succumb under his will. Yet that kiss felt amazing I thought as my fingers ran across my lips.

We walked into class finding Annie on Armins lap, in front of our class Ymir and Historia were flirting. Mikasa and Jean sat together talking to others out our class. The usual people went quiet as we entered the room and we did as always. Ignored it.

"Too much PDA, my eyes, poor innocent me", I teased Armin as soon as I sat down and fake gagged. He laughed and pointed at Levi "If you're so innocent, you shouldve seen your face when you walked in. It said otherwise", I forgot about his immaculate senses.

"Armmmin, don't outsmart me every single time", Annie and Armin laughed whilst Levi stood there looking at me with a smile on his face. Annie had found out too and didn't care. Even though our friendship was rocky, if it came down to it. I would protect Annie and she would me.

I looked around at the couples who were so openly flirting. I wanted to be all touchy with Levi and forget about everyone else too. Who would've thought I would turn out greedy and clingy.

My phone buzzed and I took it out to see a notification from Levi.


Private chat

Levi: You know, you're incredibly readable. Maybe I'd let you come over if you keep acting so cute


A feeling of sadness mixed with joy overcame me. I looked up and received that smile he only gave me, the proof of his love. He'd been showing more emotions lately and tried to get along with my friends. He allowed me to take the mask off I was wearing for so long, he made me happy. I'm absolutely terrified what would happen if he left.

After our last class and cleaning duty, Levi leaned against his desk waiting for me to pack my school bag. But somehow he had spaced out. "Levi", I clicked my fingers together barely able of producing a sound.

I couldn't read his expression and when he snapped out his trance, he took a drop breath in and his chest rose then sinking as he breathed out. He buried his face into his hands.

Slowly, worried, I walked over taking him into a bear hug. His arms automatically wrapped themselves around my waist and his face buried itself into my flat board chest.

"You've gained a bit of weight", he uttered and I felt his hot breath against my shirt. I didn't know what to reply, I remembered that morning when he replied with 'I'm scared'.

He didn't move and I felt anxious. "Don't fall asleep, Ackerman", Levi finally lifted his head and our eyes met. His eyebrows were furrowed and his face looked bleak.

He sat up and pulled his arms back instead taking my hands into his. "I'm scared that if I take you to that place, I'll lose you. Since we've met, I've barely stayed there. Today I have to pay my rent which is the only reason I declined dinner with your mom tonight", I wasn't aware of his past and I wasn't sure on how to approach him.

I was so useless when it came to Levi, it was embarrassing. He was feeling down because of me and my stubbornness. I pulled my hands back and started pacing throughout the empty classroom.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now