I love you

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He went into the kitchen for a good ten minutes. I had nothing in my mind, everything was blank, it was scary empty.

Levi came back with a new shirt "Lift your arms", he whispered and I did as he said. He pulled the shirt over my arms and head before pulling it down. He also gave me a tea then sitting down placing me between his legs.

I leaned on him as he hugged me from the back. "I thought the pills were bullshit, so I haven't been taking them for a while. Today I realized every day gets worse. I thought you could cure it, but I was here and somehow..", I couldn't understand myself or what I was supposed to do.

A tear dropped again even though I felt like I couldn't cry anymore. "Hey, Levi. Why can't I..be normal", my voice cracked as I struggled to ask the one question I've been dwelling on every single day.

There were no restrictions around so my true feelings were able to show themselves but it hurt. It hurt so bad.

"I told you that bringing you here was a horrible idea. Look what I've done", I placed the mug down and turned around to look at Levi astounded even though I couldn't stop crying.

He was crying as well, he bit his bottom lip and his breathing got shaky. "Were we a bad idea", he barely whispered as tears fell down his cheeks.

My whole body was shaking as I wanted to touch his cheek hesitant. His eyes met mine and he glared at me.

Frustration welt up inside me and the storm was raging. I bit down to make it bearable, my hands balled up and all I could do was hit his chest over and over. I couldn't yell properly or get a single word out, all that came out was sobbing and wailing.

He just sat there calmly crying. My hands gave up and dropped to my side as I got off of him.

"Do you regret it", I sternly asked with my hoarse voice. I couldn't bring myself to look at him. "I love you, Yeager", I looked at him in disbelief and slumped down. How did this evening turn into such a mess. Weren't we suppose to overcome it all.

"Its all my fault", I mumbled serenely as I got up and walked towards the door. He stared at me most likely wondering what I was planning. I grabbed the keys and unlocked the door.

I took a shaky deep breath and gave him a genuine smile, as I looked at him I saw the best thing that ever happened to me.

"I love you too".

I closed the door and ran forward. I had no idea what I was doing but I was following this dark massive feeling inside my chest. At that moment I was glad it was an abandoned neighborhood. I heard my name but I just kept running forward.

The adrenaline was drowning everything else around me out. There it was, that bridge we crossed. I climbed onto its rails.

Forgive me, mom.

I was pulled back and fought the person who was pinning me down.

"Are you fucking stupid..don't you..FUCKING SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT. DID YOU WANT TO TRAUMATIZE ME!? I'VE BEEN THROUGH THIS BEFORE..", the angered Levi stopped yelling and his voice turned into a pained whisper, "you're the one who made a promise..", suddenly a police car came and fear overcame me making me pass out.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now