Do you need him

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She started pacing around nervously and I simply waited for her to calm down. Eventually she squatted down to her knees and gave me a sad look "Do you need him? Will he make you eat?", she asked in a gentle tone even though she choked on the last word holding back frustration tears.

She wasn't frustrated with me which made it worse, she was mad at herself although nothing was her fault.

I gave no answer merely shaking my head. In the moment my phone started ringing, but I ignored it. Mom picked it up jolting up answering the call. I looked at her in disbelief.


Private call

Levi: Eren?

Mrs. Yeager: No, this is his mother

Levi: Good afternoon Auntie, how are you?

Mrs. Yeager: oh good afternoon sweetheart, I'm fine, but I can't get my boy to eat.

Levi: May I come over?

Mrs. Yeager: Of course, would you mind picking up some things on the way

Levi: No, of course not. Send me a list and I'll make sure I get them


Mom hung up and texted for a while before laying my phone back besides me. "You could've just asked me to go, mom", I sat up slowly ignoring the faint dizziness that followed.

She gave me a slight smile before picking up the tray of food and leaving my room. For some reason I felt angry, but that feeling just made me feel even helpless. I threw the pillow across the room before laying back down.

I didn't remember falling asleep until I felt the touch of something wet and cold on my forehead. My eyes opened and recognized the person I'd be avoiding for no good reason.

"Good morning sleeping beauty. Your mom said you werent feeling well hence the cloth", I reached for his face and caressed his cheek. This is what I didn't want, I didn't want to feel the warmth of the person who made everything a little better. More like I didn't deserve his affection.

Neither of us said anything to break the silence that suddenly fell between us. I took back my hand and instead of moving back, he grabbed mine with his free left hand planting a kiss onto it.

"Anyway, your mom made you porridge, so sit up so I can feed you", I obeyed doing as he told me and he had the bowl in his hand. He scooped a spoonful of porridge blowing on it before he looked at me. I took that look as a command to open my mouth.

So my lips parted automatically then he fed me a spoonful. It was apple, I had forgotten how good my moms porridge tasted. When the bowl was empty, he kissed me out of blue licking over my lips.

I hid my face out of embarrassment and he chuckled. I peeked back at him finding an incredible look on his face, "Let's go on a walk, Yeager", he stood up taking the dish downstairs so I took that time to get dressed.

The weather was grey and dull, not even a crack of sunshine. "You gonna talk to me?", he asked as we walked hand in hand down an alleyway. I noticed he was slightly taller than me, I already took notice of the fact he was buffed up. The difference between our attraction was too unfair, even his side profile was mesmerizing, unlike my brown long unkept hair, he had an black hair that was parted in the middle with an undercut.

I reached to touch the shorter hair "You're quite beautiful", I stated and we stopped walking. He pulled me into a hug "No, you're the one thats beautiful, Yeager", me? No I was the absolute opposite, all my muscle left my body due to my eating habits and the rings under my eyes grew darker and darker.

"The times I end up crouched on the ground is because something happens in my mind. I get so scared and can't identify the people around me", I confessed as I buried my face into his chest.

He placed his hand on my head "Im proud of you", I remembered the first time we had a conversation on the hill. Tears welt up and I ended up sobbing convulsively into his shirt. Levi comforted me until I calmed down enough to take me home.

"Will you stay over, I'm actually feeling a lot better than the past few days. I need you and I missed you", he gave me a smile and a kiss. "You don't have to ask", I bit my lip before wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now