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I took a shaky breath and kept balling then unballing my fists, but I wasn't nervous. It was actually the opposite, I had never felt this excited before.

He fixed his stare onto me, waiting for me to talk. He leaned back into the counter relaxing as he lowered the temperature of the stove.

"I came up with a plan. For us, for me. A dream that came into mind that would make lots of people happy. A café", he looked at me impassive as his left eyebrow rose. Before he could say anything, I wanted to explain the rest.

"We'll have a grand piano in the middle of the café or on a stage in the back. Everyone is allowed, its a place where you can feel safe and accepted. We could help people and listen to their daily life problems while watching them drink coffee or tea", I rambled on making gestures with my arms and hands.

I could picture the whole thing before me in the kitchen and when I was done, I turned to face him giving me that look that made my heart clench and realize what kind of relationship we're in.

He then looked down and averted his gaze "You're the one who said we're only in highschool and didn't want to propose", he was right.

I had said that but in that short period of time, I fell in love with him and couldn't imagine him not being by my side.

"I'm not proposing. Yet. But I do know I want you by my side for the rest of my life, Ackerman", his eyes widened and tears calmly ran down his face. I couldn't help but be taken aback by a pacific crying face.

This warm but slightly painful feeling filled me as I took him into my arms. My heart was racing, the future looked a lot brighter to me than it did a month ago.

I already had anticipated him not being by my side and the thought of that kills me, but this was a dream I'd pull through, however it'd mean more if he were there with me.

"Levi, this will take a lot of work, but will you do this with me", I asked in a soft tone as his arms loosened from around my waist.

"Yes", his voice barely let out as he pulled his nose up. I couldn't help but laugh at how adorable I found him at that moment.

"Now look up at me", he did as I said standing up straight while I grabbed a tissue. "Blow", I held it to his nose and he obeyed blowing into the tissue letting me clean his nose, how rare, letting me baby him like this.

"Boys?", mom came into the kitchen hesitantly with a worried look all over her face. I threw the tissue away and it didn't take long until mom started crying and took me into her arms.

---two days later--

When I returned to school so much had changed. Mikasa was dating Jean happier than ever, she was actually changing him and I mean she made him better and it was the other way around too, he mellowed her out.

Levi was in the top three for exams in our grade and a perfect attendance student. Armin and Annie were still dating, nothing changed there.

I was glad Armin and Levi were such good friends, Armin told me everything he did while I was gone. I also had apologized to Armin and he gave me the response I already anticipated "We're cool".

Mikasa and I grew apart naturally, we still greeted each other and came in contact through our childhood friends but it was perfectly fine.

I noticed Hanji was dear to Levi, even if he didn't want to admit it, but she cared for him like her own family member even if she did tease him quite a lot.

I worked hard in my senior year and was able to graduate alongside with everyone.

"Congratulations", Levi grabbed my hand as we left the school. Mom took us out to eat after our assembly was over, however it wasn't long before she had to leave for work again. Mom had gotten a promotion not too long ago and she was sincerely enjoying her work.

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