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---Erens POV: the next morning---

I woke up to find Levi asleep on top of me. Slowly remembering fragments of last night I sat up waking him up. "What the fuck", he muttered in a sexy, groggy morning voice, but that wasn't important at the moment, since he also sounded like he was about to kill someone, it was moments like these I remembered he was a delinquent and was supposed to be scary.

"Sorry, you caught me off guard", he sat there glaring before rubbing his eyes. After a few awkward minutes he turned his head towards my window letting a sigh out.

"Forget what happened last night, neither of us were in our right mind", he uttered coldly along with that emotionaless face he always wore.

"What? How am I supposed to forget? We both confessed, its mutual, what's the problem?",  he didn't even bother to look at me as he got up to change into his school uniform then scoffing at me.

"You confessed, I merely asked a question", I was taken aback very confused, frustration built up inside me as I grew agitated unable to answer. "Fuck you", was all I managed to spit out. Why act cold now, why put me through all that to just leave.

Though your face clearly just showed pain as you heard me curse at you.

"We wouldn't want to put more burden on your mother. You deserve a life with a girl and kids. I'm supposed to be the uncle, thats my role. Your friend, not the person who makes your life complicated.", after spouting all that bullshit he left without leaving me any time to think or comprehend what was happening.  Why did everything have to be so hard.

---a week later---

Everything in school went back to normal or whatever you could call normal. My friends could talk to me normally including Mikasa, who was only feeling better due right Jean and Annie but I spent the most of my time away from everyone when I didn't have class.

I did change though, somehow I had stopped hanging out with my friends and didn't put all my effort into pleasing them. Levi said all that about being my friend but we've gone back to being strangers.

At home mom couldn't keep her eyes off me, it was understandable but what could I do except keep out of trouble and get good grades.

---next day---

"You aren't on speaking terms?", Armin asked as we walked home together. "No", was the only word I wanted to exchange with him about it and he took that as a sign understanding and giving me a nod.

"Well see you tomorrow", I waved as we parted ways and I headed inside. Mom wasn't home, she had to leave for a business trip and the refrigerator was full of food I had to eat. It was weird how I never felt hungry until I started eating.

I sat at the table looking upon my microwave heated food and looked at the pill case. I threw the pills for today away, I had stopped taking them because I felt they were unnecessary.

For some reason I started to notice I had too much time on my hands to think, all I did at home was sleep. Thats what I planned on doing after forcing this food down my throat.


Private Calls

Mom: Did you eat?

Eren: Yeah mom, don't worry. Take care of yourself, okay.

Mom:  I'll try, love you hun. Gotta go.

After mom hung up, I went through my contacts and saw Levis profile picture, it was blank, how fitting. I clicked on our chat to read through our messages somehow I accidentally clicked on call and it was ringing. I heard a click.

Levi: Yes?

Eren: It was an accident

Levi: Oh, I'll hang up now then

Eren: W..wait please

Levi: Eren.

Eren: Can we meet up?

Levi: That's not fair. We already talked

Eren: No, you talked..

After a few minutes, I heard his voice whisper over the phone

Levi: Fine. Our usual spot in 20

I hung up and sprinted up to my closet. I hadn't felt this happy in days.

He was already waiting as I got there, it hurt seeing him. Without thinking I raised my hand and caressed his cheek, the weird part was he let it happen. Really why were you like this Levi.

"What happened", Levi averted his eyes as a guilty aura surrounded him. I let my hand fall back to my side before taking a step back. "We both were upset and said the wrong things", I didn't say anything else and neither did he. So I started walking in the direction of school and he followed as always with no hesitation.

The music room was free.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now