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"Wanna get ice cream after school", Mikasa asked as all four of us sat on the stairs to the rooftop since the door was locked. Armin and Annie were in their own world while Mikasa sought for attention from me. "Sorry, my mom needs me after school", guilt filled me as I lied through my teeth and grew worse as she gave me a heartwarming understanding smile.

I came home to an empty house and looked through the fridge however I didn't have an appetite, so I left it be. On the other hand it was empty and I'm sure mom would've wanted to go shopping. I grabbed money putting my shoes on at the door before leaving.

Another pass by, I sighed as I tried my best not to look but lost anyway as curiosity got the best of me. My eyes widened and I stopped in track, it was him although he wasn't alone. Five against one, he was kicking ass but suddenly someone pulled out a knife which he hadn't noticed. Before I could realize it, my feet moved on their own and I punched the guy with the knife watching as he stumbled back surprised.

Levis eyes widened as he realized it was me , I grabbed his wrist and we took off running. When I felt we were far enough, I stopped and tried to catch my breath. We were in a empty park and the air was chilly. "Are you fucking insane", Levi calmly asked hence I bursted out in laughter, that was the first time in a long time I had felt that much joy. "That was pretty funny", as crazy as I might have seemed I stood there laughing as he stood there staring at me before cupping his face into his hands sighing. A mutter came from his direction and before I could ask him what he said he already asked another question.

"What's your deal, Yeager", I rose an eyebrow, stopped to think and simply came to no conclusion as I shrugged my arms. I started walking in the direction of the store as his eyes followed my movements unsure . "Let's go, Ackerman", strangely enough he obeyed despite what had happened in the last few days. We went shopping together and he helped me carry the bags back to my house. I couldn't read him either, he wonders what my motive is and goes along with it anyway.

I put up the items and put on tea, it reminded me of the last time I had tried to make tea. "Its obvious", he was the first one to break the silence as he drank his tea in a fascinating way. His fingers held the rim of the mug making the handle look useless "What is?", I replied watching him drink his tea. He leaned closer relaxing and staring right back at me and smirked "Your staring habit", his gaze had me trapped and my face felt like it was suddenly on fire. I quickly averted my eyes and focused on my tea mug in front of me. "Is it uncomfortable", I felt bad, worried I had bothered him. He finally put his cup down and ran his finger over our woodlike table before returning his attention back to me.

"You don't have to keep up the act, I see through it, especially with that pathetic girlfriend", I slammed my hands onto the table and snarled "Don't talk bad about Mikasa", he put his hands up playing innocent while his facial expression showed amusement. "How does it feel? Faking love?", he questioned in a low pitched voice, like some switch had been flipped as he enjoyed my reactions. I was taken aback and couldn't find the words I wanted.

He supported himself on the table as he got  up and headed towards the door "Don't need excuses. Stop looking for me if you're gonna keep it up", his words pierced into me and added fuel to the anger. "You're an asshole", I spouted and he applaused praising me before leaving me there alone in that house.

I couldn't concentrate the next few days, everything felt off and the putting on a perfected act took more energy than usual leaving me with none at the end of the day.

It was Saturday and I had took the train into the city, but I had canceled my therapy session for that day telling her beforehand so she wouldn't call my mother and worry her.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now