Please Levi

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There was only one Futon in my room, so we had to share. After he showered, I went in. I was pretty tired meaning we turned off the lights after showering and laid in the futon together.

"Did you have fun today, Yeager?", he whispered as he turned to face me and I looked away at the ceiling embarrassed of feeling his gaze on me. He drew nearer as I answered him "Yes".

"Are you lying", I shook my head even though he most likely couldn't see it due to the dark, but he didn't say anything else, so I tried coming up with another subject. "Levi, why-", as soon as I turned my face towards his, his hand covered my eyes and his lips pressed against mine. I almost lost myself and gave in before pushing him back and abruptly sitting up. "I'm sorry", he mumbled.

I looked down at him and sighed. "I'll pretend it didn't happen. Okay. Please Levi", I painfully begged in a hushed voice. I took his silence as my answer and laid back down with my back turned to him. I felt like crying but didn't understand why, it must be because I love Mikasa and didn't want to ruin the friendship between Levi and I.

---the next morning---

The next morning was like any other, other than the fact I couldn't get the kiss out of my head. But I let it be and pushed it down so we could continue like nothing happened. Mikasa was at the school gates waiting and glared as she saw Levi walking next to me. A sigh escaped me whilst Levi rose an eyebrow in amusement "Have fun with that".

He deserted me in front of an angry girlfriend, who would definitely be even madder if she knew what happened. "You're even walking to school together now", she commented to which I nodded and she rolled her eyes. I swallowed my pride to win back the perfected image I had worked on. "I'm sorry", she looked astonished as I grabbed her hands looking deep into her eyes, to which her guard was let down "You're sorry", she questioned as I nodded again.

"Yes, but he is a nice guy, so please believe in me, Mikasa", a blush crossed her face and that was my relief signal.

I guess being at school now was even more exhausting than I was use to, Levi must've thought the same since he skipped today.  Why would he come with me even though he wasn't gonna come to class I wondered.

I walked towards the gates and there he was leaning against the wall. He was in the same unwashed clothes from yesterday. I unconsciously waved secretly happy as I stopped in front of him. Mikasa had the opposite reaction and scowled upon seeing his face. "Let me take you home", I nervously looked at Mikasa who looked at me waiting to see what I would say. "Its the least I could do, he did come all this way. I'll walk you tomorrow, promise", her eyebrows furrowed as she clicked her tongue letting out a sharp "Fine", before leaving us.

Dizziness hit me and I crouched down ,as she left, on the sidewalk. "Sorry I feel a bit unwell", I managed to say despite the pain of my inner stomach. He pulled me up supporting me by wrapping his right arm around my waist and pulling my arm on his shoulders. "You stink", I laughed out.

He snorted at my comment, taking my keys out of my pocket to unlock my front door.
Levi sat me on a chair and I took a deep breath before lifting my head to look at him. "Go shower", he obeyed leaving me in the kitchen.

Tea was on the stove and food was on the table as he came out of the shower with only a towel below his waist. I felt my face heat up before I wheezed surprised looking away. I rushed past him to get upstairs to lend him clothes "Sorry, I shouldve left you clothes", he thanked me furthermore I closed the door heading downstairs.

Mom was coming through the door as I got to the last step. Her face lit up as she saw me and her motherly smile shone "Hey sweetheart", she took her shoes off then examining the other pairs of shoes by the front door. She sat at the table as I placed a cup of tea before her next to her plate.

Levi came downstairs and greeted my mother before sitting down before his share of food. "Aren't you hungry darling", mom asked before starting to eat. I shook my head and smiled telling her to eat.

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