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"I'm hanging out with Levi after school", they went silent and gave me the reaction I was expecting. They stared at one another before looking back at me. "Eren, since when have you two been close. He's a bad influence", Mikasa was the first to speak up, rejecting what I had declared even though I hadn't asked her opinion.

I never went against what Mikasa told me to do, I always held her decision for right. So going against her word wasn't a part of my perfected image nor was hanging out with most outstanding guy in class.

"You don't know what he's like", she scoffed in a I would know better than you way. "He's always covered in bruises and late to class. Hanging out with someone like him is a bad influence", the words were like poison, deadly and cold. I glared at her and rage welt up inside my chest. I jolted upright , turning to leave as I felt someone grab my wrist. Blind with anger I pulled my hand back and walked to the door slamming it behind me.

"Eren", the person in front of me said soothingly, it was Levi. Seeing him made the anger disappear, it was rare seeing him look like that. Concern etched his face as he pulled me to the side to make room for the others. "Once they get to know you..then they'll understand", I whispered with my head down to hide the look on my face. He probably had no idea what I was talking about. "We're still going on that date right", I sought reassurance.

Levi gave me a nod and patted me on my head. I asked him to go ahead so I could regain my composure. Mikasa came up from behind me preventing that and words came up before I could stop them. "You were in the dead wrong, Mikasa. That was not okay", her eyes had become dazed and her bottom lip trembled before she walked away with a dejected look on her face, Annie going after her.

Armin stood by me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "She's just overprotective, don't worry. We're all worried about you hanging with the wrong crowd", confusion filled me as I looked down at him, I didn't want to please her. I wanted her to understand me. I sighed " know he isn't a bad guy", I wanted Armin to at least understand. He knew what bad guys were and looked like, I hoped he saw what I could see. I needed him to be on my side. "I know Eren", he mumbled before heading back to the classroom.

Levi and I left the classroom together. Mikasa and Annie had left before us, Armin left us at the school gate before saying goodbye. "Hungry?", he asked looking over at me with that usual deadpan face. I shook my head and he stared at the ground to most likely think of other places. "Arcade", he stated then grabbing my wrist. I never been to the arcade before since Mikasa always studied and worried about our future whereas Armin was an introvert and felt uncomfortable in huge crowds.

My heart couldn't help but beat faster as I felt excitement when we walked into the building. "No farces, tell me where and what.", I held out my pinky and he stared at me blankly, but wrapped his around mine. "Its a promise", its something I use to do with my father. So it was one of the least things of importance to me. The fact that Levi didn't laugh at me and actually went along with it made me feel happy.

We spent all afternoon playing games and it was actually fun, there were games where I felt uncomfortable and voiced my opinion. Levi always listened and made sure I was comfortable. Our last stop was a crane game. I tried first but lost, following with another six tries. The machine had taken all my money and Levi gave it a go. He went for the same one I went for, winning it on his first go. "Why did you want this one so badly?", it was the colossal titan from my favorite manga aka anime series. "I'm a closeted Otaku", he gave the titan another glance before looking back at me and grunting.

"Are you sure you aren't hungry?", he asked as we were on our way home. I nodded and he stopped asking. Levi walked me home worried someone could attack me from the people I encountered twice. Mom was home and insisted on Levi staying for the night. "Actually I'd like it if you stayed over", I agreed with mom surprising him. He gave in following me upstairs.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now