Happy Birthday

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I hugged her, managing to calm her down so we could eat breakfast together. I didn't eat much and looked at the time seeing I had to leave for school. "Thanks again mom, I'll be home later. Love you", I yelled before closing the door and running to school. Mika ran towards me hence me picking her up swinging her once around before placing her back on her feet. She placed a kiss on my cheek "Happy birthday", she congratulated me for the second time today, the first being via text this morning.

My classmates all congratulated me as I walked into class and Armin punched me in the arm as I finally sat down after thanking everyone. "Happy birthday, dude. Finally 18", I grinned but in the back of my mind, I thought about the incident before pushing it back down to convince myself.

After school as we had all planned, we went to McDonald's. Armin and Annie gave me two manga from the series Attack on Titan, which I was obsessed with and Mika gave me the ugly sweater that still made me happy. "Thanks guys, this means a lot to me", I had specifically asked not to get cake since I didn't want them to have to bother. I lied a couple of years ago and said sweets give me stomachaches, sadly my mom believed me too. Also why Mika never got me Valentines chocolate.

I was lost in thought as I swished the remaining Fanta in my cup. "Hey Eren, we gotta go", Armin announced standing up with Annie. I nodded understandingly as we all left the restaurant together. "Happy birthday again. See you tomorrow", Armin said before he and Annie made their way home. I took Mika home first "Thanks for today, Mika", she giggled and hugged me tightly. "No problem Eren. Goodnight, get home safe", I waved waiting for her to get inside before making my way home.

On my way home I heard fighting coming from a familiar alleyway. There stood the guy that barely came to school fighting two guys who after they saw me ran. The grey eyed boy jerked his head in my direction then making an 'oh thats why they ran away' face ahead of falling onto a box running his hand through that black hair. I knelt before him examining his wounds all over "You look like shit", I accidentally let slip out since I was thinking it ere I could apologize. He let out a soft chuckle followed with a sharp breath. "What's that? The Eren Yeager does have a foul side to him", his facial expression returned to its normal poker face. "Get out of here before they come back", for a second I thought that would have been fun, I considered until I confirmed the opposite in my head. "Who cares. Let's get you cleaned up", I grabbed his wrist and dragged him along with me, to my surprise no resistance came from his side.

When we got in front of my door, he finally pulled his arm back carefully. I had to calm mom down in advance to her letting me look at him or she would worry and go into mom mode. "Its fine mom, I got this. Trust me", she bobbed her head and let me take him upstairs where we kept our medical kit. He sat obediently and let me bandage him up. I felt his gaze on me the whole time. "You're a weird one", he eventually muttered as I finished to which I snorted. "I could say the same about you", he didn't say a word and stood up, circling his arm around while I cleaned up. He walked to the door and I watched him. I didn't ask any questions or try to stop him.

"Oh and by the way, Happy birthday Yeager. Thanks for the check up", he left after simply saying that, I moved to the window to see him leave and I felt a smile creep upon my face. What a mysterious guy.

--next day--

The hope to see him in school was immediately put down as I saw he wasn't there again.

Mikasa ripped me out of my thoughts "What are you thinking about so hard", her arms wrapped around me, as I was sitting, from behind. I took the fragile hands that weren't that larger like you'd expect into mine. "Something school related", I lied.

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