Don't ask me

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"I'm sorry, my clothes are a bit too tight on you", he took the jacket I handed him putting it over the dark green T-shirt he wore from my closet. I gave him the bag of his freshly washed clothes too "Its fine", he walked out the door closing it behind him.

Dizziness caught me off gaurd as I used the wall to support my weight. I decided to walk upstairs to lie down for a bit so it would go away.

---the next day---

Mikasa took me another way so Levi wouldn't have the chance to stop us. "Want to go on a date on Sunday", I asked as we walked hand in hand, her response was a happy nod.

Not two seconds later the date with Levi came to mind, maybe Mikasa would enjoy the arcade. I looked over at the smaller being next to me and sighed unnoticed. She's not responsible for doing the bothersome things I want to do, I need to be the one to make her happy.

---the weekend---

I took her shopping with money I had been saving for days like these. Then we went to a restaurant, her smile rarely faded and the guilt inside of me began to grow weaker.  At the end of our date, she placed her hands on my chest leaning closer for a kiss, which I without thinking pulled back. Mikasa took a step back confused. An excuse, whatever made sense. "S-sorry, too much garlic", she laughed at the response.

That one action made the guilt that built up in me even worse. I took her home and kissed her on the cheek. It felt abnormal, I felt disgusted. The reason why was unclear to me, she headed inside waving before closing the door.

Phone call outgoing

Levi: Eren?


Levi: Are you alright?

Eren: No. I want to see you

Levi: Me? It must be Christmas

Levi heard a chuckle from the other end of the line and felt reassured

Eren: I'm coming to the Alleyway. Hurry up

Levi: Ok


Levi sat on one of the old looking boxes that always sat in the alleyway. His stare fixated on me as soon as he noticed me coming, "So, what can I do".

I stopped in front of him and my arms remained by my side. For some reason the enormous weight fell over me and it was hard to say anything or move a finger. "Don't ask me", Levi pulled me towards him into a hug, at the moment nothing else mattered. His warmth made me cry, tears fell without warning. I wrapped my arms around his torso and eventually the tears stopped falling and he told me to get on his back.

"I went on a date with Mikasa today", I hesitantly but suddenly broke the silence between us. Facial expression, thats what I wanted to see, his face as I said that, but I couldn't. "Did you have fun, Yeager?", I nodded and he sighed laughing sadly "What a bad liar", of course he knew. He always knows.

---the next morning---

Light shone into my eyes as I opened them. I sat up looking at the time on my phone. 6:30, I had to get up and ready. He didn't stay over I thought as I felt the empty space beside me that he should have been lying in.

Mom fretted after I got up making sure I was okay. She finally let me go after I promised to watch myself. The urge to not go was stronger than ever. However I couldn't worry everyone, so happy face.

Daily routine, she came running. I swung her around. Armin comes and comments. We go to the classroom. It was always one or the other.

Lunch break came sooner than I thought it would. My friends wanted to go to the rooftop to eat lunch. As soon as I stood up to follow my legs gave out and before I knew it I blacked out.

When I came to, Mikasa sat next to my bed and held my hand. She looked dejected and confusion came over me as I tried to sit up, looking around. Mikasa let go off my hand "What-..what happened", her eyes driftied to the side full of hate. "You fainted all of a sudden and he hurried carrying you all the way here not letting us come near you. He didn't even want to let me come in here", bitterness was all that could be heard and she placed her hands on her face pulling them back.

"This is his fault, isn't it", Mikasa asked but before I could protest the nurse came in. The door slided open and she pushed her glasses up with a finger "You're gonna have to leave now", the nurse smiled at Mikasa and Mikasa nodded, grabbing her bag and bowing her head before leaving.

"Mr. Yeager, how long have you been starving yourself?".

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now