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"Hey, Levi", I whispered with my eyes closed, since I'd see just as much if they were open. "Yes, Yeager", he whispered back. "Hold my hand", he softly let a chuckle out then intertwining our fingers.

---the next morning---

My single futon felt empty as I woke up even though I should've felt relieved since there's barely space for Levi and I.

I felt grumpy as I sat up gazing over where he was supposed to lay. My whole body tensed with satisfaction as I stretched while looking over at the window. The clouds filled the sky and everything was grey, it was the last week before Christmas break.

Thoughts filled my head and I wondered if Levi would celebrate with Family. I put it on my list of things to worry about later. First was finding the energy to get up and do anything. It was hard if Levi wasn't next to me.

Family, now I couldn't stop thinking about it. I knew nothing about him and he probably felt overwhelmed with my problems. He was so closed off towards me. Before I could fall into that dark space, my alarm went off and I forced myself up.

I walked down the stairs entering the kitchen to see Mom and Levi talking and drinking tea. Mom looked over at me and gave me a warm smile. "Breakfast is ready sweetheart".

I sat next to Levi and started eating, I felt nervous since we had a conversation about outing our relationship to my mom. In that moment, Levi leaned towards me and fixed my tie. "How untidy", he teased as I felt my entire face change its color. "M-mom", I stuttered as I turned to face mom who looked at me intrigued.

"I have a boyfriend", everything fell silent and Levi suddenly bowed apologizing, which confused mom even more. However she then started giggling and we both looked confused as she tried to calm her laughing down.

"I had my suspicions. It made sense, I was just waiting for you to eventually tell me", my heart melted. I never had to worry about mom giving me a hard time. "Thank you so much auntie", Levi grabbed my hand and smiled at her.

"Now, now. You can call me mom".

After we got done talking and mom stopped embarrassing me in front of Levi, we made our way to school. "By the way Levi, why can't I come over", he froze for a second but continued walking. A huge sigh escaped him. "I'm scared".

Thats all he said and I couldn't bring myself to think of something to say back, but I couldn't continue being useless to him.

"You tell me to talk to you. We're together, anything you're going through, I'll be here to go through it with you, even if I'm a bit broken. I may not be able to help, but I can listen", we finally stopped at the school gates, where Levi still seemed to be processing what I had said.

"We'll talk about it after school, okay.", I simply nodded and we headed inside together.

Our classmates stared when we were together. Rumors went around, mostly bad ones about him. I had even gotten into a fight because of one. That was a wild day, mom freaked when she saw my face as soon as I got home.


"He does whatever he wants, I bet he threatens the teachers too. What a sad loser. Heard he got kicked out of his last school", I slammed my hand on the table and the whole class fell silent. It was self studying class.

"Who the fuck do you think you are", Levi was there too but I knew he wouldn't do anything about it, we were in an awkward phase so I didn't think he'd be the one to hold me back.

"Excuse me, why are you getting all worked up", I remember throwing the first punch and somehow Levi was the one to calm me down. A teacher came in and the other guy and I were warned.

"Don't do that again. I'm fine, Yeager. As long as you believe in me, I'm okay", tears rolled down my cheeks and I cried for him that day.

---back to the present--

But my friends accepted our "friendship", Armin already called out our relationship too. He was the only one who knew.

"Good morning shortie", Levi greeted Armin , they had been getting along and didn't even need me to be able to talk normally to each other.

"Good morning delinquent", Armin snorted "its a wonder you're present, boyfriend got you whipped?",  their conversations would seem concerning to an outsider but it was the norm for them.

"Mh, if you knew", Levi smirked and look over at me triumph, so Armin also looked at me raising an eyebrow. My face turned red as soon as I understood what Levi had meant. 

"Ah, thought Eren was a top", he blurted out  and my pride felt attacked "I'm a power bottom", I claimed as they both laughed at me.

"Could you please not discuss our sex positions and about something normal", I hid my face in my arms and they talked away until our math teacher entered the room.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now