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Monday came and it was becoming even more unbearable to be with my friend group especially since two others joined.
Historia and of course Jean, who was glued by Mikasa's side 24/7.

After school was finally over and I planned to make an excuse to go home alone but then I saw Levi waiting in front of the gate. I didn't pay attention to my friends or anyone as I ran towards him and hugged him. His arms wrapped themselves around me and it felt as if the whole world just froze. I stepped back "You ass, where were you", I gasped as I reached for his cheek as I recognized fresh bruises on his face.

"Its doesn't matter, you don't need to worry", he said nonchalantly and I got angry clicking my tongue at him.
"Bullshit, Ackerman. Its my business to worry", he looked at me with that unbothered face and grunted. Then he started walking ignoring me, but slowly so I could still catch up.

Mom let us inside when we got home, telling us to wash our hands and sit at the table. Mom had gotten two weeks off of work due to her accident, so she was making sure I ate.

"Hey, Levi stay over tonight, please",  I pleaded as he wanted to head back downstairs, I used my innocent face but he tried to avert his gaze. "Fine. Yeager", he gave in walking downstairs but I went into my room first to change.

On my way down, I missed a step and fell to the ground. All of a sudden, I felt off and someone tried to grab me but I whimpered scared "No, no..don't touch me", I came back to my senses as he backed up and my mind cleared up and identified Levi. Mom was standing in the door way hesitant "Haha, sorry..", I awkwardly apologized but mom had a hurt look and came over to crouch down and hug me.

Levi helped us both up. We went into the kitchen to sit down and eat. Mom placed my medication and food in front of me. I swallowed the pills with water before I started to eat. 

"Mom, I'm okay. I just fell", I stated as I felt the silent meal was my fault. She looked up at me and sighed "Sweetheart, I'm your mother, I'll always worry".

"What were those pills for", Levi asked as I made him do the work he missed the entire day. "Oh, yeah those. They're for my mental health, apparently I'm depressed. Which reminds me, did you talk to the school nurse about me?", he looked away as if he had done something wrong unsure what to answer. "Sorry, I was just worried", I lifted his head to make him look at me.

If he showed rare emotions, I'd rather them not be sad or hurt ones. I pinched his nose and smiled at him, if he could read my thoughts, would he had been disgusted that I loved him and satisfied my own desires by being by his side.

Nighttime had come and we laid freshly showered in my single futon. "Yeager", he suddenly said making me jump a little. "I can feel your gaze piercing through me", my face felt warm and I quickly looked at the ceiling embarrassed of getting caught.

All of a sudden, he was on top of me on his knees and his hands supported his body weight as they laid next to my face. Now he was the one whose grey eyes pierced through my green ones.

"Do you still love her", deja vu hit me, since we've had this conversation before. I looked away to break myself away from the entrance he had me in. Unable to answer I laid there before feeling something wet drop on my face.

I looked back upwards only to see Levi crying calmly above me. I've never seen Levi cry before I thought as my hand reached for his cheek the second time again however this time he let me touch him. "Do you love her", he repeated himself in a strained voice.

"No", I answered yet his tears didn't stop. He continued to stare down at me as he nervously chewed his bottom lip. "What..", he hesitated taking a deep breath before asking his question "What about me", my heart stopped as he awaited my answer.

My hand had dropped, I was too scared to answer. What was I supposed to say, what did he want to hear. Then I realized it wasn't about what he wanted to hear, it was about my honest answer.

"So what if I love you", I wiped over his tear stained face before sitting up pushing him back gently. I sat on his lap and hid my face in his chest.

The silence made my fear worse, but as I felt his arms wrap around me, it made sense. I connected the dots, the piano incident, the kiss, his smart remarks about my ex girlfriend, his caring for me.

"Who's the cry baby now", I joked receiving a glare from him, but that finally got him to look at me. This time I grabbed his face and kissed him.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now