All this trouble

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Saturday morning I woke up to my phone vibrating. The caller ID belonged to Levi but I didn't feel like answering, so I ignored it turning my phone off. I laid it under my pillow before going back to sleep.

"Get the fuck up", a voice harshly said as my cover was ripped from me. At first I thought it was another dream as I saw Levi but I realized it wasn't a dream as I sat up.

I looked over at my window, after feeling a draft, that was open even though I had closed it. "Did you break into my house", I received a glare which made me flinch back, since Levi didn't get mad easily. He clicked his tongue before going to my closet .

He took a change of clothes out and threw them next to me "Get dressed" he slowly demanded in a threatening tone. I looked at the clothes yet couldn't find a single motivation to move as I laid back down staring out the window that was still open.

His face clearly showed that he didn't have the patience but I didn't want to go outside, I just wanted to sleep, maybe even forever. Levi knelt before me and sighed before moving a few strains of hair out of my face. "The things I'd do for you", he exclaimed before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

He ran the bathwater and proceeded to undress me. As he placed me into the bath I couldn't help but feel absolutely embarrassed. "Lay your head back", he softly commanded and I obeyed. The smell of lavender filled the bathroom as he washed the suds out of my hair. His hand covered my eyes as the water ran down my face.

He soon asked me to stand up and gave me a towel. "Go get dressed so I can dry your hair", I wasn't sure why he would go through all this trouble for me but I couldn't help but smile. However at the same time it pained me since it made me fall harder for him. I walked downstairs to the living room where he waited with a blowdryer and a brush.

When he finished, he pulled my head back and stared at me. "Yeager, you're quite a handful", I sat up right again to hide my flushed face as he put my hair into a ponytail.

Levi took me into the city and made me follow him until we stopped at a familiar building. It was my therapists building, I wanted to turn and walk away but he stopped me. "Go talk to her, please.", I couldn't say no to him. He wasn't aware of this weakness though. I bit my bottom lip as I looked back at the building "Its useless", his face had a sad look on it and he seemed desperate to make me go inside. It was the least I could do for him. "Fine".

She lit up as she saw me and welcomed me inside. She sat ready in her brown chair with her clipboard and pen. Maybe I should give in, maybe she can help me. Instead of yes or no questions, she let me talk the entire session. At the end she gave me two tests to fill out.

"I'm sorry about your mother, Eren. I wish her a fast recovery. However when she does wake up, I'll need to have a conversation with her. We'll also need to have two more sessions before I can make up my mind, but we can do this. I feel uneasy about you being alone at the moment, do you have no family you can stay at for a few days?", she explained, leaving a lot of questions unanswered that were roaming through my mind.

"I have no family except mom, but I have a friend and I'm 18, so I should be able to watch myself with burdening others", she gave me her office number for emergencies and asked me to make sure I came next week.

Levi sat out in the cold waiting for me. I rushed over to him and cupped his face. "Have you been out here an entire hour", his face was freezing and I took my scarf wrapping it around his neck. In the middle of it, I slowly took my hand back. "I'm tired", I stated and he nodded as he pulled me into a hug. Even though its freezing he makes me feel warm.

"I'll take you home", we headed in the direction of the station taking the train back. As we arrived at my house, I saw Mikasa sitting on the steps.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now