Friends or Lovers

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"I brought you here before when we were having trouble communicating", I sat down patting on the cushion next to me.

"Levi, I did a lot of research for you. Its complicated as you say, but its not impossible. I'd like to add we're in the 21st century and I'm old enough to decide who I want to be with. I've never thought about things like being straight until you brought it up. I'm not proposing and we don't know if we'll even be together in the future. But I'm in the present and I'll be honest, I like you Levi, a lot. Neglecting your desires to protect me, I don't need that. Don't want to date me? Fine, but ignoring me is quite fucked up considering I did nothing to you. I miss you", the words flowed out and I wasn't sure if I was being too honest, but I wanted Levi to understand.

"You're unbelievable, Yeager", he pressed on different keys before turing entirely resd then pressing his entire hand against the keys, the piano let out a distorted sound.

"Im scared for various reasons some having nothing to do with same sex relationships. I've never done this liking another person thing before and I'm not the best person in the world", I patted his head which finally made him look at me with his blank face but his eyes wavered and betrayed his attempt to hide his feelings.

"Idiot. No more running away, no matter if friends or lovers, we stay by each others side", suddenly I felt his lips against mine and I melted into his kiss that almost made me crawl onto his lap and sink my hands into his hair.

He pulled back and laid his head on his hands before chuckling disheartening. "I'm sorry", he softly replied before looking at me and giving me a heart clenching smile. "I'll do better, I promise", I got off the piano bench and stood by the open window as the cold wind blew against me and I watched the sun go down. "Hey, Levi. Play the piano for me please", he gave me an understanding nod before going at it. His fingers pressing different keys at various speeds. Even if it was just for this moment, everything felt okay.

"Levi, where do you live", his eyes widened as he stopped and looked at me. "No. Eren. Never", he hushed in a scary tone before he started walking again. Confused I ran to catch up to him leaving it be, burying it where I couldn't think about it again.

"Well could you stay tonight, please", the lights shine over his grey eyes making them seem silver. I received a soft smile which indicated yes as I unlocked the door.

Levi washed up before me, so when I came out to him sitting on the ground with long pants and no shirt. My eyes couldn't help but wander. How could he be so muscular. It almost wasn't fair. "Enjoying the view, Yeager, maybe a picture would suffice", he looked up from his phone and I felt my face flush before coughing to change the subject.

I walked over to my desk to grab a hairband to tie my hair together. "By the way, why do you grow your hair out", he questioned as I had the band between my teeth staring into the mirror as I had my hair in my hand.  "Stopped caring", I stated as I was done tying my hair down getting on the futon to sit next to him.

He pulled me between his legs and wrapped his arms around my waist.  Normally this wouldn't be a problem but now everything we did made me feel embarrassed. But I leaned back as he held his phone in his hand and showed me something.

He seemed calm and concentrated, I've never understood the feeling of desires until now. I wanted him to feel conscious of me. I turned my position then facing him. "Eren?", I groped his chest and he stared at me surprised. "S-sorry", I stuttered surprised at my own actions.

"Mh, its too late now. Kiss me", I had turned the switch on and I felt like it was too late to back out therefore hesitating. "Don't leave me waiting after coming on so strong", his hands were caressing my thighs and even though his touch was light, it felt intense.

I pressed my lips against his and the kiss turned sloppy before I could understand, his tongue roamed around mine and I felt like my energy was being taken away. He suddenly pulled away and the string of saliva broke, he rubbed across my bottom lip as he glared at me erotically.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now