Curiosity Got The Best Of Me

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I walked through the city unable to think straight. I had no idea what to do or what I was feeling. However the feeling of not belonging grew making me uncomfortable in the crowd of people.

"No friends. What a sight", startled I turned to see him standing across from me with that blank face. His hands pocketed in his tight black jeans, he had a snug black turtle neck on that displayed the muscles he had, not surprising considering he was a delinquent. He was way more good looking than I thought, his bruises had also faded, whereas I had my hair in a bun and put on the first thing I saw.

"Somehow you turn into a bigger dick each time we meet", he nods with his head instructing me to follow him. Curiosity got the best of me and I ended up running to catch up with him. We ended up on a half broken bridge far from the city with a view of it all. He sat down waiting for me to sit next to him. I stood for a few more seconds unable to process the situation.

"So you decided to drop the good guy act", my comment from before hadn't slipped past him. Even though he did make me act me out of my comfort zone, it took a burden off of me. I didn't have to pretend and his presence wasn't bad. "Fuck you", he chuckled then placing his hand on my head. My body froze and my head slowly rotated to look at him and I received that heartwarming smile Mikasa would give me but somehow his smile made my heart tug, it must've been the discomfort.

He pulled his hand back and averted his stare back towards the city. "My dream is to play the piano", the words came out of nowhere, but they definitely came from his lips. He then stood up showing me his phone, it was already 3 pm and the train was coming in half an hour.

"I don't have a dream", I declared in a gentle tone as we were on our way to the station. "I know, Yeager". I wondered what he meant by that. How could he had known. Somehow Levi was harder to decipher than myself.

We rode the same train back and parted ways at the station, but he gave me his contact info before leaving. Didn't he say he doesn't do friends. I stared at it the rest of the day unable to contact him due to being too nervous.

---the next morning---

"Eren, wake up", my mom shook me awake and I sat up groggy unaware of having fallen asleep. "I made breakfast, since you didn't eat yesterday", I groaned and stretched out my arms, mom took a step back folding her hands and smiling. "Thanks mom, but I'm not hungry right now. I'll eat later", mom nodded and left the room, when did I even fall asleep last night I thought as I picked up my phone. 15 missed calls and messages of course.

Private chat

Mikasa: where are you?
                 Study group is today? I'm worried

                 Please answer..Eren?

Private chat

Armin: not intriguing. Text us back.

Group chat

Eren: Sorry guys, stayed in the city a bit longer. Errands and came home. Fell right asleep XD. Mom just woke me up 😴

Mikasa: Idiot <3, don't make is us worry. Are u coming today?

Armin: So we can ambush you.

Eren: Yeah lol

Mikasa: Alright, my place at 2

Annie: Alright

Armin: Annie..♥

Eren: Ew, get a rooom XDD


Time passed slowly before I had to leave to go to Mikasa.

She came outside greeting me with a hug. The words Levi said crept into mind, but I knew I loved Mikasa I believed as I embraced her hug despite the lingering feeling in my stomach. We came inside to see Armin on Annie's lap and picked on them. My friends worries had disappeared and I was in the safe zone again.

I sat at home after spending the day at Mikasas looking over the digits he put into my phone. I bit my lips as I finally managed to send off the first text.

Private chat

Eren: Hey

Levi: look who decided to text

Eren: Oh, I can delete and block if you'd like

Levi: my heart, how cold

Eren: psh, I'm not cold

Levi: what a tsundere. What have u been up to?

Eren: at my girlfriends house

Levi: did you have fun? Honest answers only

Eren: no

Levi: did they

Eren: thats all that matters

Levi: let's go on a date tomorrow, so you can have fun too

Eren: if you come to school without skipping

Levi: is Eren Yeager worried about me?

Eren: shut up

Levi: haha. Goodnight Yeager

Eren: Night Ackerman


I couldn't fight the smile I had rereading the messages. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now