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---2 days later: Levis POV---

I was on my way to the hospital, his mother had called informing me.

After I pulled him from the rails, the police had arrived, someone must've called them. Beats me who.

I apologized to Erens mother over and over. All she did was give me a motherly smile, not that I remembered what it looked like, that was how Eren described it to me.

She took me into a hug, similar to the ones Eren took me in when I was feeling down. "I know its not your fault, sweetie".

For the first time I felt what I had 10 years ago, when my mom was alive then I gave in,  explaining everything I could, she sat there and listened to me. "Thank you for taking care of my boy", tears stood in her eyes and I hugged her on my own that day. She really made the same expressions Eren did.

Only his mother was allowed to see him at first since she was immediate family. After half an hour she came to get me and I had entered a hospital room to see him lying there for the second time already.

Erens mom left the room to talk to the doctor and I walked over to his bed. The room was so dark and isolated, even though you come here to get fixed up, it makes you lonely. Well not if you have people that care.

"I'm sorry", those were the first words I had heard since our "fight". I sat on the edge of his bed and stared down at him. Anger welt up inside but not because I was mad at him, I was mad at the world. I couldn't get any words out so he continued.

"Im going to get better for you and mom, I plan on working my hardest. But I'll have to go away for a while, Levi", my heart ached because I knew that but had been trying to avoid it the past two days.

He held his pinky out and I hesitated cause the last time we made a swear, it ended in the worst possible way. But the only thing we're allowed to do... is to believe that we won't regret the choice we made, so I wrapped mine around his and risked it.

"I'll wait for you as long as you want me to", his mom came back inside with puffy eyes, my guess was for the reason Eren already figured out.

She sat next to him on the bed and grabbed his hand with a smile on her face, a smile that radiated hope so that he would believe.

"Tomorrow..tomorrow you'll be admitted, but thats okay because I know you can do this", she sighed and looked over at me.

"Ten more minutes and we have to leave, so say your goodbyes", his mom nodded before leaving the room.

Eren sat up and took my hand "When you get out, I'll be here with your mom and I'll get better at school. I'll stop fighting and I'll have flawless attend-", he cut me off with a short but sweet kiss. A kiss that lingered and hurt since I knew it'd be the last one for a while.

He let my hand go and gave me that same smile he had before he ran out the door. For a split second I thought he'd disappear, but I got it together and said goodbye before leaving his room.

"Keep in touch", his mom asked of me as I was leaving the building. "Of course", I responded. Who knew life could look so optimistic in such a dark time.

---2 months later---

"I haven't seen you in a while, you avoid me even though I saved your life", Hanji swung her arm around me as I had escaped to the nurses room to get away from the crowd.

I was keeping my promise and continued going to school every single day. My head was buried in books so I could forget all the negativity around me.

"Shut up", she giggled at my response like always and looked at me, her expression turned serious all of a sudden. "That boy is good for you. I know its depressing but all will be good in the end. So don't be so broody, hahaha", she hit me on the back a couple of times. Hanji was a weird one but she was one of the only adults to accept me and straighten me out.

"Anyway lets eat, I'm hungryyy. No one interesting has come by lately. You're paying", she have me a smirk before heading out the room. What a noisy woman.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now