Perfected Image

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"Did you eat", mom asked as soon as I entered the house, I headed into the kitchen "Yes", I answered as she looked up at me smiling. She was baking her cookies and I put down my school bag to help her. After we were done, she kissed me on the forehead and I went upstairs to shower. I headed to bed, after texting Mika goodnight, for my next exciting day.

--the next morning--

There she waited for me again in front of the school gates. She waved innocently and  I gave her a kiss. "Hey sleepyhead, sleep well?", she giggled and the perfect answer already formed in my head "Yeah, what about my princess", she loved hearing that, it always brought a smile to her face, which is what I aimed for. Armin and Annie sat in the classroom waiting for our arrival. Armin put his arms behind his head while rocking on the chair. They were talking about my birthday, I had forgotten it was even coming up. They asked me what I wanted to do but I had no wishes, so I went over all the places they liked and came to a conclusion. "What about McDonald's", they all nodded in agreement.

The first period was English and I had been doodling as I finally looked up to the sound of our door sliding open. It was the boy from yesterday, the one on the stairs. The teacher grumbled for him to come to the teachers lounge after the lesson and that was that. He took a seat in the back catching me staring which took me aback resulting in me looking back at my notebook embarrassed.

The rest of the day went on and I dreaded having to go to study group with my friends tomorrow. School really was unenjoyable.

Mom wasn't home yet, so I went upstairs and threw myself on my bed. Next to my bed was the picture of my father and my friend group. I picked up the one of my friends and looked over it. It was at the fireworks festival last year, the night Mika asked me out, I was grateful that they stayed by my side.

--next day--

"Let's go eat on the rooftop again for lunch", Armin suggested as our lunch break started. The girls had went ahead and we went to buy bread before joining them. "How have u been", Armin asked on our way back to the girls. He'd sometimes randomly ask me this and I'd give the same answer everytime "Good", before asking him how he was. We both weren't emotional best friends, but we've always had each others back no matter what.

It was a clear, sunny day. Mika fell asleep on my shoulder after eating. It was the compromise for me only eating a melon pan and not being hungry for her bento. We sat there and talked about Smith sensei, all of a sudden the door opened but it wasn't a teacher. It was the boy who came late to English. He was covered in bruises as he was yesterday and had these scary, grey Yankee eyes, but they were more intriguing than anyone's I had ever seen. No one said anything and he closed the door as suddenly as he had opened it. "Think he'll ever talk to anyone", Annie commented and I shrugged as an answer, Armin said nothing before going back to what we were talking about. I looked at my phone and showed it to the two that were awake "Its time to go back to class", I pinched Mikasa's nose "Mika, wake up", her eyes slowly opened and we made our way back to the classroom.

Before we could leave to go to study group, we cleaned our classroom. "I'm taking out the trash and waiting in front of the gates guys", I said as I carried two heavy bags outside.

We all gathered at Jeans house, another sporty jackass, whom I couldn't stand. Personally I'd punch in the face but then my perfected image would be in ruins. A week had passed and nothing had changed, life was as boring as could be. My birthday was tomorrow and I didn't feel like celebrating it, however the thought of being with my friends was okay.

--the next morning--

"There's my birthday boy~", mom cooed, as I came downstairs, smiling. She presented my birthday breakfast and present. I kissed her on the cheek before sitting down. I unwrapped the present and took out a leather necklace with a dirty silver key attached to it. It was the one..
"He wanted you to have it", mom whispered looking slightly depressed as those words slipped her lips. "Thank you, I love it".

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