My first step

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"You weren't picking up so I got worried", there she stood before me as she always did. Mikasa was absolutely beautiful no doubt and a great girlfriend. I knew deep down that someone deserved her who could cherish her and actually accept her as a girlfriend.

Levi excused himself and left us alone. "Sorry. My phone is off and I was at my therapy appointment", she let out a relieved sigh and hugged me but it was uncomfortable, it made me freeze up. I gently pushed her back before gathering the courage to look at her. Confused she said my name. I let my arms drop and a sudden stomach turning pressure dropped onto me but I could fight it. My first step, I could do this.

"I'm sorry, Mikasa. Recently I haven't been a good boyfriend and I haven't been honest this entire year nor ever, not since 5 years ago. Today that changes, I love you but I am not in love with you.", at first she tried to smile but her lips faltered and her eyes squinted as tears filled them. "I know. We've all noticed", she choked out in a hushed voice. She grabbed onto my shirt and cried, I expected her to get angrier and curse at me, hit me but she didn't do any of that.

Eventually she looked up at me with puffy eyes taking a step back as she wiped her face. "Bye Eren, see you Monday", that was another thing about Mikasa, she always managed to be strong and not pathetically like me. She cried or screamed it until she got it out and looked at things with a positive outlook.

The pain inside me grew larger and the burden grew heavier as I watched her walk away, yet at the same time I felt hope grow inside me.


"Eren, its your fault.", echoes surrounded me repeating the same sentence over and over and over. In the dark a sudden flash of light blinded me.

---back to reality---

Screaming I jolted awake, panting. I grabbed my face taking a deep breath to calm myself. I walked to the bathroom to splash water over my face.

The next two days went by quickly and tiring. Annie and Armin didn't know how to act around us, so Armin decided to stay by my side even though I was often spaced out and Annie stayed by Mikasa.

We walked the halls and suddenly stopped in front of the music room, where some students were gathering. An idea came to mind as I rushed into their clubroom surprising the majority. "Excuse me".

Levi was outside waiting as usual to take me to mom. "I forgot something, could you come with me to get it", he nodded before following me into school.

I stopped in front of the music room and headed inside. I turned my head to see his reaction and his eyes were widened as he looked around the room. It was most likely that he had never been here before.

"You always watch over me, basically always trying to make sure I'm okay when you yourself aren't completely fine. Today is your turn to let go", Levi hesitantly stepped into the room, his fingers tracing the yellowish piano keys. Its like he couldn't figure out what to do as he sat on the chair staring at the piano with a longing gaze.

"Yeager, you always manage to surprise me", I sat next to him placing one hand over his and pressing the keys for him, hoping he had calmed down. "Play for me, Ackerman", I whispered and he chuckled testing out the keys before he started playing a tune.

He had finally relaxed and was like a whole different person, the Levi I saw amazed me. The amount of passion he put into pressing each key. "Its called 'You' by petit biscuit. It reminds me of you, Eren Yeager. Sadness yet happiness overwhelmes me. Scared of losing you and the mere sight of you sometimes drives me crazy", it wasn't as if the music was beautiful enough but his words had meant more than he could imagine.

"You've become such a crybaby", his fingers stopped pressing the keys and lifted towards my eyes to wipe away the tears that were streaming down my face. He laughed gently and I automatically nuzzled my cheek into the palm of his hand. It seemed to catch him off guard and I moved back. "Sorry", I somehow squeaked out.

His hands returned to the keys as he started playing again "Its okay, thank you. Eren", his smile was too much. You're so unfair Levi I thought, do you have any idea how much words mean.

So What If I Love You (Eren x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now