Introducing Allison

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Played by: Crystal Reed

Personality: sarcastic, boss bitch vibes, badass, kind to those she cares about, won't put up with bull shit, Mikaelson fangirl to the end. Fixes evertyhing

Likes: Caroline, Tyler, Jenna, Jeremy, and Bonnie

Hates: Elena, Mikeal, Esther, John Gilbert, Vicki, Matt, her shithead parents.

Soul sisters: Rebekah and Caroline (eventually will include Lydia and Bonnie but shhh no spoilers...)

Soul brother's: Tyler

Soul mates: Klaus, Elijah, Kol, and Finn 

(Yes, I included Finn. I make him a bean since the show didn't really go into him much. just give him a shot lol)

Yes I did keep her name Allison. No this will not be a teen wolf crossover I was just lazy lol. And I like the name Allison for the character so...🤷‍♀️

THIS IS A MARY SUE CHARACTER! so if that is not your thing you have been warned.

also thank you @KMsavage for the awesome cover because there is no way I have the technical skills to make anything that good. 

For people unfamiliar with how I write her thoughts are like this The author's notes are either in bold or are in underlined bold. The underline doesn't always transfer when I move the story from docs.

I put this information on here so that if you are not comfortable with any of these things you do not need to read. If you willingly choose to read this book knowing all of this information please refrain from leaving comments about it. I am always willing to take constructive criticism but if you don't like what this book is please just refrain from reading it. (I felt the need to add this after a few too many people complaining about the fact this is a Poly book. it's right their people. if you don't want to read a poly book then just don't)

Hope u guys like the story.

Happy reading

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