Chapter 80

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"Well that is my specialty, now which ascendant will you need darling?" Gran asked from the other side of the phone.

I smiled happily "just the two newest ones, we can look into the others later. Do we know who are in the other ones?" I asked.

"We know some but the only one we don't have information on is the first. There are 7 in total" she explained, I could hear rustling on the other side of the line.

My eyes widened "damn, how long have they been doing this?" I asked appraisingly.

She scoffed "oh honey we gave them the spell about 1,300 years ago. They have been using it ever since and saying it's their own special kind of magic. We just let them talk the talk while we run the show. They didn't keep as many records as us. The current leader only has Knowledge of the last 3 prison worlds" she said as she laughed.

I chuckled "yeah, he is a huge dick" I said mirthfully.

She scoffed from the other line of the phone "oh honey you have no clue, that man is the epidemy of a napoleon complex. Who shuns their child and then is shocked when that child turners out fucked up? Fucking basterds....." she started trailing off mumbling insults but I caught the drift.

We talked for another hour with me filling her in on all that has happened. 

She wasn't too happy about me sharing my powers with the girls but when I explained the benefits she made sure to write the effects in the family library.

I immediately jumped into preparations and what would be needed.

Once I had everything ready I simply pick up the ascendant from Gran and we are good to go.

Lydia wasn't too thrilled but even she understood why this must be done.

Not to mention once they're dead she no longer has to look over her shoulder.

What really sealed the deal was when I explained they already had everything they needed to get out if they just got the right things and she was all for going on a trip to some prison worlds.

We all agreed that she would not have to face them unless she wanted to.

Kathrine was practically jumping for joy when I called her and let her know we were still getting her mate.

Apparently, Kitty Kat had worried herself into a fit thinking we would abandon the plan, and now that she knew who her mate was she wouldn't be able to get to him.

According to Nadia, she was close to pulling out her own hair when I called. 

And unlike most people I actually fully understood.

There was a reason My gran warned me before I cast the spell to find out who my mates were.

To know and not be with them is torture.

Luckily I had plenty on my plate at the time so I could handle it.

I told her we would do the spell on the next full moon which would be in four days.

Would you believe she actually complained about how long it was going to take?

I had to keep saying the mantra of "you know what she is going through" in my head so I didn't accidentally lash out with my magic and kill her.

I was a little high-strung since finding out what happened to Lydia.

Nik took that as a challenge and my mates each tried very successfully to get me to loosen up and relax.

I might have acted stressed after just to make the next brother try harder but you didn't hear that from me.

Kol even went with me to free Amara, we may have ended up killing a few travelers....but that was never our intention...maybe...It was all Kol! I'm innocent, I swear!


The next day I was pacing the living room nervously.

"Are you sure about this Love?" Nik asked as he sat in an armchair and watched me pace.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair nervously.

I nodded "Yes, the only reason I didn't tell them when we created the coven was because of their mates. I would never ask them to keep a secret from their mates so I needed to know I could trust them before saying anything" I explained as I continued to pace.

"Wouldn't it be better to keep this to ourselves Elskan?" Elijah asked imploringly.

Kol nodded and gestured to Elijah "he's right darling, the more people that know the more people to screw things up" Kol said.

I stopped pacing and sighed in exhaustion "I've thought about this a lot the last couple of days. It's time that they know, they will already be pissed enough that I hid it in the first place" I told them with a bit of desperation in my voice.

Nik sighed as he saw my stressed state "love it's not that we are against telling them but have you truly thought this through? It could make things worse" he said gently.

I sighed and flopped down on the couch while putting my head in my hands "I have and it can't be worse than hiding this from my sisters. I feel like I am betraying them. Hell, Care doesn't even know and me and her have been inseparable since childhood...I...I'm just so tired of the lies" I said as I finally let out the conflict I had been feeling.

"I think she is correct. We can only do so much. I have seen how the girls act with her and they would never betray her. We can trust them" Finn said from the couch.

He had been silently observing the whole conversation and he understood her point and could see the toll this was taking on his mate.

All he wanted was to make her happy and he would if it was the last thing he did, if this is what she needs then he had no problem with it.

All the brothers slowly nodded in agreement making me smile gently at them "good now all that's left is to tell them" I said nervously.


I am so sorry guys. Honestly, just had a total brain fart and forgot I had to update. I'm actually pretty pissed at myself cuz I had this one all ready and everything. I would have added a gif or two but I couldn't see a point where I had a useable gif.

Hope u guys liked it tho. Hopefully, u see where I'm going with it. I honestly forgot what I wrote about till now and will probably go write the next chapter in a minute. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

The Instagram for my books is @amberpoconuts

Edited: 2/10/22

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