Chapter 114

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His eyes widened before he ran towards me in alarm "Angel, what happened?!" he asked concerned as he held my face in his hands.

I immediately sunk into his chest and held on for dear life as the tears came back to my eyes.

Kol made an alarming sound before holding me close and comforted me as I cried in his arms.

Kol stood there in panic as his mate cried in his arms.

He had no idea what had happened.

Had he done something?

Had one of his brothers? If they did he would certainly teach them a lesson they would never forget!

He had never seen his mate so broken-hearted before.

Normally she was very tough and when she did become vulnerable it was normally a good thing.

He was completely disarmed by this and also panicking.

Should he buy her a dog?

Would that help?!

Kol shook his head lightly to clear his thoughts before he scooped up his mate and ran to the living room and sat down with her in his lap.

She clung to him like a lifeline so he just held her close.

Kol watched as Finn stood up in alarm from the corner of his eye.

Kol lightly shook his head and shot his brother a look of panic telling him he had no idea what was going on.

Finn gently walked up and rubbed his distraught mate's back "what happened?!" he asked her gently as he tried his best to comfort her.


I let my emotions out on Kol for a few minutes before I felt him move us.

I could feel him sit down so I immediately curled into a ball on his chest.

I clung to his shirt for dear life and cried.

I had always felt Maternal to the scooby gang in a way and to have Jeremy be in pain because of me was unbearable.

When I felt Finn come over I knew I would have to at least pull it together enough to let my mates know what was happening.

I pulled away from Kol slightly and looked at Finn while sniffling.

I motioned to the tissue box on the coffee table and he immediately handed it to me.

I could see the panic in both of their eyes making me feel slightly guilty for scaring them.

Once I had blown my nose and calmed down a bit I let out a depressing sight and croaked out "I called Jeremy and let him know about Elena. He's never going to forgive me" I whispered quietly knowing they could both hear me.

Immediately Kol gave me a little squeeze and Finn scowled darkly.

"Oh darling he will forgive you, it might just take some time. If you want I can compel him for you!" Kol said with a slightly pleading tone.

I knew he wanted me to feel better and would do anything to do it while Finn was getting pissed at Jeremy.

I smile lightly at Kol "thank you Kol, but that would make me just as bad as Elena and I won't do that to him, I have done enough. And you won't be doing anything to him either" I said pointing at Finn with as much warning as I could muster right now.

Finn scowled lightly but nodded "whatever you want. I just want to protect you" he said quietly as he kissed my forehead.

I smiled before sighing "I know, but I need to live with my consequences, and this is one. I have to kill the doppelbitch and it will have consequences. I have to live with that" I said quietly as I snuggled back into Kol.

Finn nodded in understanding before moving to the other side of the couch next to Kol while pulling me so I was in between them.

For the next few hours they just held me and we relaxed and watched a movie.


Damon sighed.

His mate was upset, she didn't know why but said it was coming from the coven bond.

Lydia had then texted Kol to see what was wrong and was told that Ally had informed Jeremy about Elena.

Lydia knew this was hard on her sister so she had turned to Damon with puppy dog eyes and asked him to go explain what happened to Alaric.

Of course, Damon caved and that's why he was sitting at the bar waiting for his drinking buddy to come and join him.


After 15 minutes Alaric came walking in looking tired and annoyed.

He walked up to Damon with a grimace "what do you want Damon, I should be with my fiance, not you" Alaric said as he sat down at the bar.

Damon sighed "look man, you all need to lighten up on Ally. I was there last night, Elena went crazy and threatened the entire original family and Ally. Not to mention brought Finn's crazy ex to town after tricking her into giving Elena her blood and then Elena killed herself" Damon explained with a grimace.

Damon hated emotional confrontations, they had too many emotions involved for his likeing.

Alaric blinked in shock before shaking his head in denial "she wouldn't do that" he said in disbelief.

Damon shook his head sadly "Ally went into Sage's head, she said it was true. Ally doesn't want to do this man but she can't let Elena run around plotting to kill her mates and slaughtering people. Elena seriously believed that she had done nothing wrong and Ally was an evil woman who had taken me and Stefan from her and all of her friends. I looked into her eyes and I didn't recognize her, Ally told me that Esther ripped away the compulsion we put on Elena. Maybe that did too much damage but I'm telling you, that's not the same girl. Elena died when she transitioned and this Elena was born. Now she's just what Kathrine used to be" Damon said seriously while patting Alaric on the shoulder.

Alaric looked down and poured himself a glass of bourbon from the bottle Damon had sitting on the bar and the glass that was there ready for him.

He couldn't believe what Damon was saying.

But he didn't have a choice because he knew Damon wouldn't lie about this.

As much as he was upset even he understood Ally had her reasons.

He had never known the women to make rash decisions or to purposely hurt anyone, even people she hated.

So he had no choice but to accept what Damon had said, even if it was painful.


I realized I never really had a scene where she breaks down, she has been angry and maybe slightly upset but has never broken down.

I want to show that everyone has their moments and that's completely okay. It is okay to be angry or hurt. Things happen and sometimes they hurt and it's okay to feel those things. It is what makes you human.

Happy reading.

Oh and P.S yes this chapter was a little longer than normal. On average my chapters are about a 1000 words. This is for all of my books. I find this manageable and this makes my brain happy. It will not be changing because it makes my brain happy. My brain is weird and very specific about ratios and numbers and so 1000 is where I'm at.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

Edited: 2/24/22 Yes that's right, I caught up. I will write the ending of this book in the next few days and start the second one.  

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