Chapter 21

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I looked down and flipped my wrist showing him his initials and the three other dots "your brothers are my mates too" I say quietly.

He stares at my wrist with wide shocked eyes. He blinks a few times and takes a deep breath before looking up at me. Please, Elijah... 

"If I am to share you, then at least it is with my brothers" he said gently with a half grimace half-smile.

My head shot up at that "really?" I ask with desperate but hopeful eyes. Please Don't be lying, you're the only ones that could actually bring me to my knees...

He smirked at me "of course, It isn't that rare for one to have multiple mates. It is always a possibility, Fate always has reasons for the matches she makes and it is not anyone's place to question it. If anything I am more impressed that fate deemed you worthy of the four most difficult men on the planet" he joked with a twinkle in his eyes.

I couldn't help the snort that came out at that comment which made him smile at me in endearment when I blushed and put my hands over my face

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I couldn't help the snort that came out at that comment which made him smile at me in endearment when I blushed and put my hands over my face.

He chuckled lightly "Besides, I don't know if I could stomach another man near you that wasn't one of my brothers, they are my family I could never truly hurt them. Now, hurting them would also mean hurting you, I could never do that. especially now, you have done the one thing I have been trying to do for a thousand have brought my family together again. My brothers will not be able to hurt you any more than I can. You have single-handedly stopped our family from tearing apart simply by being here. we will squabble, We will most likely come to blows but we will no longer run off to the four corners of the earth. You have given me more than anyone every has and you weren't even trying" he said quietly as he grabbed my hand tightly in his and looked at me as if I gave him the world itself.

My heart hammered in my chest and I smiled shyly at him before bringing my hands up to rest on his jawline gently "I would do anything for you Elijah, I would move oceans, Crush Mountains, Kill anyone that stood against us, Raise armies, and bring back the dead just to see you and your brothers happy. I will bring our enemies to their knees. We will be safe and happy, together as a family" I promised with a fierceness I had never felt before.

I would do anything for this man and he would do anything for me and I was never more sure of anything in my life. 

We could get through anything together.


Later that night we were sitting going over plans "Do you know how to get in contact with Klaus?" I asked casually.

He had a thoughtful look on his face for a few moments. 

"No, but I could come up with a few ideas" he said with uncertainty in his eyes.

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