Chapter 92

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The next week was filled with dealing with people's bullshit. 

All the girls took turns helping out Valerie and Oscar get used to this time.

Today was my turn so I had the joy of going over to the boarding house.

"WHERE MY BITCHES AT?!" I screamed into the house as I walked straight in.

Kol was bouncing behind me with Finn shaking his head at both of us.

Kol came because he wanted something to do and Finn has been attached to my hip since we got back from the prison Worlds.

Not that I minded, I always enjoy some extra attention.

"Do you understand the meaning of knocking?" Damon asked sarcastically from the couch.

I laughed sarcastically "I'll learn it when you learn not to be a pain in my ass" I said sweetly.

He laughed "touche witchy, are you here to pick up British barbie and the friendly sidekick?" he asked sarcastically.

I raised an unimpressed eyebrow "that definitely wasn't your best" I said casually as I sat down after pouring myself a glass of bourbon.

Damon shrugged "it's too early" he said simply.

I laughed "asshole it's 2 in the afternoon" I said with a snort.

He raised an eyebrow "your point?" he asked.

I just shook my head with a chuckle.


It only took a few minutes for Valerie and Oscar to come downstairs.

"Is it normal to sleep to ungodly hours in this day and age?" Valerie asked as she looked at Damon with so much judgment I could feel it in the air.

I shrugged "it's not uncommon, there's less to do. Everything's more convenient and easier so now all humans do is yell at each other all the time since things aren't trying to kill us every day" I explained sarcastically.

Oscar grabbed a glass of bourbon and sat down with a laugh "I love it. Everyone was so uptight before. Do you see what the women wear now? Fashion has evolved in marvelous ways" he said with a dreamy smile on his face.

All the men in the room matched his smile witch made me smack both of my mates on the back of the head.

They both looked at me wide-eyed as I glared at them.

I pointed a threatening finger at them "those smiles better be about me" I said as I gave them the evil eye.

They both immediately nodded "of course Darling, I was just thinking about that outfit the other day" Kol said cheekily as he looked me up and down.

Finn nodded with a dazed look in his eyes making me roll my eyes with a small smirk.

A few days ago I decided to wear booty shorts and a crop top around the house since we weren't going anywhere and I may have wanted to tease them a bit to say my mates had followed me around like lapdogs would be an understatement. I'm gonna have to wear those again...

Oscar was looking at us curiously, with a bit too much interest in his eyes, making both of my mate's glare at him threateningly. Are they puffing up their chests?... Fucking peacocks...

He raised his hands in surrender "what?! I have eyes" he said defensively.

Valerie smacked him on the back of the head "you should have some manors" she said scathingly.

While she handled him I threw a book at Damon's head.

He looked at me with wide eyes "what did I do?" he asked.

I smiled sweetly "that better have been my sister in that head of yours" I said with a threatening edge to my tone.

He nodded quickly with wide eyes, I nodded with a satisfied smile. My job here is done.


I ended up taking Valerie and Oscar to the grill. Surprise surprise, the one place in this damn town to have any type of fun. I am both dreading and waiting for New Orleans. 

Oscar groaned "is this the only place in this god-forsaken town?" he asked me dramatically.

I shrugged with a smirk "kinda, don't worry you can go off and party to your heart's content next week once you know how to handle yourself properly. Or you could join us. I'm getting sick of this small town and I really want to go traveling" I said with a dreamy smile.

Suddenly Kol was twirling me around into his arms "do you want me to show you the world darling?" he asked cheekily.

I smiled brightly "yes, you can make it a game. Who can show me the best places in the world?" I said while waging my eyebrows at him.

Kol pouted "but Elijah and Nik have a distinct advantage. I've been in a box for the last 100 years" Kol groaned dramatically.

I giggled and shook my head as we sat down at a table with me between Finn and Kol.

Finn raised an unimpressed eyebrow at Kol "yes brother because your hundred compares to my 900-year disadvantage" Finn said in a dubious tone as he looked at Kol very unimpressed.

I giggle loudly and gave them each a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't worry there are always participation rewards" I said cheekily with a suggestive smirk on my face.

Kol matched my smirk while Finn just shook his head fondly.

Our little moment was cut off by Valerie "isn't that Kathrine? I thought we saved her mate, why is she with him?" Valerie asked confused as she motioned towards the bar.

I had to keep in a cackle as I saw Elena flirting with Matt Fucking Donavan.

Kol rolled his eyes "that isn't Katerina, that's her bitchy little doppelganger. She would be dead but Nik needs her blood." Kol said with a scowl on his face.

I chuckled lightly "we had to erase her memories of the supernatural. She was dating Stefan and then trying to bang Damon on the side but she couldn't handle Damon finding his mates and had a total breakdown. She said a few too many of her secrets so we erased ourselves from her creepy little mind and made her go back to her perfectly normal life. How am I not surprised she ran right back to the Jock?" I said with an annoyed tone.

Before we could continue talking shit about Doppelbitch we heard someone from behind us "eh hem" to get our attention.


Sorry for the late update guys I just wrote this out for you guys on the spot so it might have some serious spelling errors and shit.

Now I'm actually going to leave it up to you who the person will be.

I can see it going in 2 directions so here are your options.

It's Stefan and we find out Valerie is his mate.


It's Sage and we get some drama.

I was keeping her in my back pocket for some plot so I can take her out or save her until New Orleans. So what do u guys want?

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

Edited: 2/23/22 

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