Chapter 103

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"Did...did that just happen?" he asked shocked as he looked at where Arcadius once stood.

I nodded with a bright happy smile "yep" I said before bounding upstairs to put my grimoire away.

I grabbed a few of my pendents and some weapons just in case.

As I was looking through my weapons I saw the ascendent just sitting there and smirked devilishly. Well isn't that the perfect place to put a bitchy mother-in-law who likes to meddle when she gets to the other side?

With a smirk, I put the ascendent in my pocket dimension to grab whenever I needed it.

Once I was ready I joined everyone downstairs.

We all immediately went to the witch's house.

My mates would handle Esther while I handled the witch bitches.


When we got to the house I told them all to stay back until I handled the witches.

They were all reluctant but understood I had a plan.

As I walked up to the house I saw Esther in the back starting a ritual so I ignored her for now and went in the house before she could notice me.

As soon as I walked in Emily was in front of me with a glare.

"You are no longer welcome here" she said angrily.

I just smiled "see, you all made a very big mistake, you all know she's wrong, yet you sided with her. Do you realize with my death Bonnie also dies?" I asked curiously as I walked around the room.

I saw Emily falter slightly but she didn't stop glaring so it seems Bonnie was an acceptable loss to her ancestors. Well, that makes this easier...

I raised an eyebrow "you lot really are ridiculous, well here is the only time I will be offering mercy. If you had no part in this and do not wish to be destroyed, leave NOW" I said loudly into the room as I stopped walking and stood in the middle.

I could tell some spirits listened to my warning from the look of alarm on Emily's face as she glanced around the room.

I could also feel the magic lessening in the house, though it seems not by much.

Emily looks at me with superiority in her eyes "there is nothing you can do to us child, we are dead already" she said with a cooky tone.

I smirked "see that's where you're wrong" I said casually before reaching out with my magic and marking her soul as well as the other souls still lingering in the house.

It took a lot of magic but nothing I couldn't handle. I'm so pissed I could probably do anything right now.

She blinked in shock before looking at me with a horrified expression "WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!" she asked frantically while grabbing at her chest.

I just smiled "I took away your get out of jail free card" I said sweetly.

I could feel the presence of Cade slowly getting closer making me smirk with a dark look in my eyes "I did tell you the price of betraying me. I was even nice enough to give you a chance to leave, but you were too sure of yourself to leave. Big mistake" I said as the smirk fell off my face and I glared at her.

Emily started looking around in panic as Cade got closer.

As I stood there and watched I could hear the whispers of the witches become screams of the damned as they got dragged to the pits.

Emily looked around with fear in her eyes before turning to me with a pleading look "please, I'm sorry. Don't do this" she begged as she watched her coven mates be ripped from the other side.

I shook my head sadly "I gave you many chances Emily, I gave you more than I would most because you were witches but at the end of the day, you proved yourself my enemy. I wish you would have listened but you did this to yourself. I gave you every reason to side with me yet you didn't. This is the price of your actions" I said with a slightly regretful tone.

I may not like doing this but I warned them multiple times and gave them too many chances, if I would give them another it would just happen later anyway.

I watched with sadness and also resolution as Emily got dragged away while clawing desperately at the ground before walking out back towards Esther.


When I got there I saw her surrounded by my mates and Coven members as well as their mates.

In total there were 14 people surrounding Esther and she seemed very confused by this.

I smirked as I walked in between my mates "what, did you expect them to stand alone?" I asked her sarcastically.

She scowled at me "my children have never been good at keeping allies" she said evenly.

I smirked "see that's where you're wrong, now they have me and I temper those homicidal tendencies, well enough of them" I said while sending Kol and Nik a mock exasperated look.

Esther just scowled "how did you get witches to aid you? How can you help these abominations?" She asked Luka and Bonnie.

Bonnie scowled and her fangs came out as her eyes glowed a milky red "because you want to kill my sister, we are connected. You will not hurt her or her mates" Bonnie said angrily while taking a threatening step forward.

Esther's eyes widened dramatically as she turned to me "you made a Coven?! How could I not see this?!" she yelled.

I just smirked "because I didn't want you to" I said simply with a smirk.


Okay guys I am gonna need you to level with me here. I want to know why you chose not to join the Patreon. And not in an accusing way in an I would like to improve it and need to know why you passed up the Patreon way. And I get the people who straight up can't afford it or aren't interested. I want to hear from the people who considered it and decided not to join for one reason or another. I would love to know your reasons.

Was it too expensive?

If I decided to make it cheaper would people actually be interested?

Did I not offer enough incentives?

What would be some that would make it more worth it to you?

(I know you guys r all antisocial beans just like me and know if you want to message me the reasons that's absolutely fine to or just put like a period on what you agree with or whatever. I am mentally incapable of not looking at things from your perspective. As long as you don't straight up troll me I am not gonna get offended or anything)(I added this cuz I know I would be worried if someone else asked me for answers about this)

And for anyone who is interested in looking at the options and getting the next chapter early, my Patreon is @amber_poconuts


Damn I did not want to do that to the witches but hey they aren't real so whatever. Honestly, they needed to be taken care of before she leaves for New Orleans. That was to big of a weapon to leave lying around.

Hope you all enjoyed it tho.

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

Esited: 2/23/22 

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