Chapter 108

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After an hour I ended up playing pool with Damon and Nik while Stiles, Lydia, and Kol all messed with people. 

Most people had the right idea and left when they realized we weren't going anywhere but some people stuck around.

Most of them just ignored us but I could feel a middle-aged woman eyeing us down.

She kept mumbling about disrespectful teenagers and talking to a manager.

I was getting decently drunk so she better not come over here or I might just let Kol kill her.

I forgot about her when I won the game I was playing against Damon making me jump around squealing before rubbing his nose in it.

My happy moment was cut off by someone clearing their throat behind me.

I sighed knowing what was coming and turned around.

I raised an eyebrow expectantly "yes Karen, is there a problem?" I asked sweetly.

She blinked in slight shock before nodding with a scowl on her face.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, there is, I came here to have a nice evening and the whole time you and your friends have been loud and obnoxious. If this continues I will get the manager" she said in a haughty tone of voice.

I chuckled with mirth in my tone before taking a step towards her.

"Do you really want to play this game Karen? Because I am not in the mood" I said quietly with warning in my voice.

Instead of being cautious, she scoffed "who do you think you are?" she asked as she looked me up and down as if I was a piece of trash.

I sighed sadly and shook my head "this could have gone so differently Karen, but alas you have pissed off the wrong bitch. I've had a tough few weeks and I think the world could use one less Karen, Don't you Kol?" I asked while turning to Kol who was walking up with a smirk.

Nik started compelling the rest of the people to forget what happened here and leave.

Karen was looking around in panic, she seemed to realize she fucked up.

She kept trying to get someone's attention but they were compelled to ignore her and just left.

She turned back to me with terror in her eyes "what are you?!" she asked horrified.

I sighed sarcastically before smirking "I told you, I was the wrong bitch to mess with. Enjoy being dinner" I said sweetly as I wiggled my fingers goodby before dragging Lydia up to the pool tables.

After a few minutes, I hear her scream but for the most part Kol was keeping it quiet which I was thankful for. Who needs murder ruining a perfectly good evening? Not me.

After a few minutes, Lydia looked at me with scrunched eyebrows "why did you keep calling her Karen?" she asked curiously.

I snorted before laughing "it's a future reference. When I'm drunk I forget not all of you guys get my jokes" I explained with a shrug as I continued to play pool.

She rolled her eyes "none of us get your jokes Ally" she said as she took a shot.

I smirked "just wait, one day you all will suddenly understand. I will be waiting patiently for that day so I can say a big ass I told you so, and for you all to finally understand my humor" I said sarcastically while shrugging.

She just shook her head with an amused smile.

Damon suddenly came over with a bottle of Bourbon "who's ready for another round?" he asked casually.

I raised my hand like a child in class making him snort in amusement and raise an eyebrow.

I just took the bottle from his hands making him pout.


After an hour I was hammered and dancing on tables with Kol and Nik.

Lydia Damon and Stiles were all making out and dancing on the other side of the Grill.

Overall, it was a pretty fun time before a Petrova Doppelganger wanted to ruin it.

They walked in and it looked like Kitty Kat but for some reason, my magic was saying it wasn't her.

Lydia scrunched her eyebrows and pulled away from Damon "Kat what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be galavanting in Paris with Kai right about now?" she asked in a slurred voice with a happy smile on her face.


Lydia was having a great night when she felt a vampire approaching.

When she saw it was Kathrine she relaxed.

When she asked her about Kai Kathrine seemed to falter before shrugging and throwing her curly hair behind her shoulder "he's around somewhere, you know how I am with men" she said casually before walking up to the bar and getting a bottle.

At first, Lydia almost believed it since Kathrine was famous for using men but this was her mate.

She turned to Ally with wide eyes but faltered when she saw Ally looking at Kathrine with the calculating look that she only gets when something is going on.


I watched as the doppelganger tried to act like Kathrine.

I knew it wasn't her for sure when she talked about leaving Kai, there was no way someone would try and find their mate so desperately just to leave them like that.

But this made no sense, Elena didn't know enough about Kathrine to play her this well and have the style down.

Not to mention this doppelganger was definitely a vampire, that much I could feel from here.

It wasn't Amara since I just talked to Silas the other day and they were still traipsing around the Bahamas enjoying immortality.

It wasn't until I saw her eye Damon like a toy that got stolen from her that I knew.

I ran towards her with my fangs out and my eyes a pale green with veins going down my cheeks.

I picked her up by her throat and glared "why are you acting like Kathrine, Elena?" I growled out as I glared at her menicingly.


Now, this is what I was planning for the last chapter. Lol

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plot.

hey guys I already had this one written so I thought I would just post it real quick while I was on my computer. thank you all for the support and understanding. my dad is doing a lot better and should be home either today or tomorrow.

Edited: 2/23/22  

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