Chapter 28

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The day wasn't too interesting besides a few things thrown when Kol found out how many times he had died.

I had to spell Kol in the house so he didn't go and kill the entire Scooby gang on the spot.

He was mad for a second before I glared at him and the boy melted on the spot. Oh, these boys are such saps...I love it.

I just smirked and took his face in my hands and reassured him that nothing would happen to him and that I have put in years of groundwork so that the Scooby gang wasn't as idiotic.

If they did try anything I would gladly let Kol go and slaughter the lot of them. Except for the people I like of course, I would never let them hurt Carebear or Tyler... or Bon Bon...Well and Jeremy...okay he can only kill Elena and the Salvatore idiots.

It took me hours to actually get him to calm down but he was a sap so it wasn't that hard.

I just dragged him and Finn to my room and we watched movies and cuddled.


Kol and Finn were shocked when I told them about Mikael. But they were eager as hell to see their father dead as bad as that sounded. The guy was an abusive prick, him and Esther have a special room in hell just for them, literally. 

Mikeal's is having to live the lives of his children over and over and experience every abuse he forced them to suffer and then once he feels remorse he will then have to live out every single one of his victim's deaths but as the victim. 

While Esther's is the hovel in which she and Dahlia were prisoners, but instead of being allowed out she was forced to instead live everything through Dahlia's perspective over and over, Her only relief from it will be the memories of ever single one of her children dieing over and over again until she truly feels remorse.

Once she is remorseful of the crimes against her family she will then be made to live the pain of each of her own victims, but not just the physical pain. She will be forced to feel everything her victims felt. 

This is the main punishment of most people that get sent to Cade's realm. 

You must live through the pain you have caused.

Once you feel true remorse and have experienced every one of your Innocent victim's pain your soul is released from Cade's realm onto the actual beyond.

No one knows what that is but we know it is peaceful and will only expect worthy souls.

Though knowing what I know I suppose it may be a limbo before you join the reincarnation cycle.

A soul can not be released from a realm, whether that be Cade's or Qetsiyah's, without being accepted into the beyond. Only worthy souls are accepted so they must either go to Cade's realm to atone and become worthy. Or if supernatural can move onto Qetsiyah's and stay there to become worthy on their own time, Though many never do as it is actually a much longer process.

While cade's methods are more forceful they also make the atonement process much faster since it forces the person to face their pain head-on.

The only exception is humans with particularly painful or impactful deaths. Their souls can become imprinted onto a space or person which is where you see normal hauntings.

Each soul gives power and fuels the realm they are in with their presence, It's why Qetsiyah prefers a slower process.

Cade instead finds the worst souls that will stay in his realm the longest or in some cases for eternity if he or one of his kin mark their souls. 

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