Chapter 62

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We spent the next few months traveling the world and turning werewolves into hybrids.

Lydia and I have gotten very close with all this time spent together. I can't wait for girls' night with Care and Bekah!

Lydia is going to make it even better.

We had all gone shopping a few times whenever Bekah or Caroline would join us since they were traveling on and off during these months. Care was still living with her mom so she couldn't just leave for months at a time while Bekah just wanted some quality time with her mate without her 4 very overbearing brothers around. 

We all got along great and definitely made an intimidating group if the straight-up looks of terror on my mate's faces were anything to go by.

I had gotten a call from Bonnie saying that professor Shane had been hitting her up recently so we were packing the next day.

She had for the most part ignored him but she did agree to go to one of his lectures when I told her how he wouldn't try anything at first anyway.

I have been staying updated with Jeremy and Caroline so I knew that Elena was still unaware, She and Matt had actually gotten back together which made me start laughing my ass off. That's how they should have ended the show. Matt and Elena together in their own boring hell.

Nik was excited for them to pop out a few kids and continue the Petrova line since I still haven't told him if we had kids their blood could be used to make hybrids.

I didn't want that to affect his decision down the line. If we want kids I want it to be real. Morally, I want to know it's real otherwise I know hormonal me will start throwing shit.

I had already found a witchy way for me to have kids with any of them if we wanted.

I am not telling them that and having their asses jump me....hell no. I am going to have kids when I'm ready and not when their territorial ass beasts decide to make me their baby maker......yea I'm not saying shit until I am actually ready to have kids. That shit will be instant.....I can already tell Kol has a breeding kink.

For now, I added a spell to my uterus so that no magic miracle babies will be popping up until I'm ready for them.

I told Lydia about it and she had laughed at the picture I drew of my mates going insane but actually agreed with me so I felt justified.

Lydia was going to use the same method if she ever becomes ready for children.

She had such light in her eyes when I told her but she seemed to want to give her and Damon a bit longer before bringing it up.

Lydian and I were sitting on the Plane watching romcoms together while the guys watched some sports shit in the front.

(nothing against sports I just no absolutely nothing about them, except that my dad likes the bears. That's literally it)

Right now I was actually holding her hand and letting her siphon off me instead of making a pendant today.

Sometimes we did that since I already have a bucket full of pendants. Though Kol is going through them left and right.

It helped give her an extra boost since her being a banshee requires more magic than normal so being a vampire is enough for her to survive and do miner spells but without a little extra she can't do anything big and using the scream will knock her out unless she has extra or is holding a supernatural.

I had called Care and Bekah and they were both coming back to town from their escapades.

Caroline and Enzo were in mystic falls half the time and then traveling the other half since it was summer vacation.

I think she told her Mom the truth or she drained her ass and compelled her. You never know which with Caroline.

I had graduated since I had enough credits so yay no school for me.

It took a few hours on the plane but we were back in mystic falls by that night.

The drive back was uneventful but I did sit on Nik's lap so that was fun, though his brothers all pouted.

Before I knew it we were at the mansion and were getting out of the car.

I took a deep breath before I walked back into the Mikaelson mansion. And the brief peace is over.


Back to the day-to-day in the next chapter. I hope u guys liked this little catch-up time skip a thing, I figured u needed a bit of context on what was happening lol.

Updates might slow down to every other day or every two days depending. My brain just can't keep up with the chapter-a-day pace and still write my other book. Sometimes there might be a chapter every day but from now on it might get a little more sporadic. Don't worry tho I will always put out at least 2 to 3 chapters a week.

And I know that probably no one cares but for people like me who notice all the details. I live in Michigan but I grew up in Illinois. Not at Chicago but like an hour out. If you have ever been to six flags in Gurnee I lived like 10 minutes from there. I moved with my bf once I graduated. Honestly the fact I grew up in Chicago is probably great for my writing since I use references and speech patterns almost always found on T.V. it's also why I say fuck a lot lol

Now on to bigger questions. I will put it to a vote that will still be valid till I have to write it. What are we doing with Elena? She isn't a big part of the story anymore so we can either.

Kill her.

Make her a vampire.

Let her live a human life with Matt.

Those are your options choose as you like. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

I made a new Instagram where I ask opinions and drop spoiler. @amber.poconuts

P.s No gif's this chapter unless I add them later, I woke up in a really bad mood today and just don't feel like taking the extra hour right now.

Edited: 2/6/22

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