Chapter 59

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(He glared at me before smirking "I can not be compelled" he said cockily.

I just gave him a deadpan look before saying "wrong")

Lucion's face fell slightly but he didn't seem to believe me.

"Like I said I'm a Taylor witch. I erased those inchantments within a minute. The stronger the witch the stronger the spell. They were mediocre at best" I said with a smirk as I took a sip of wine.

He had horror on his face but before he could try anything Nik was compelling him.

He spilled his entire plan and even the location of a bunch of werewolf packs.

Once we had all the information we needed from him Kol happily ripped out his heart.

I had already marked his soul for hell, so no other side for him.

Tristan will suffer the same fate, I'm still on the fence about Aurora since she seemed severely bipolar and I couldn't punish her for something she had no control of.

I'm still going to kill the bitch I just won't mark her soul. I'm not that nice and that bitch is bound to try something on Nik and piss me off.

Since Nik had already made all the hybrids he would in new york we went to the next location that we got from Lucian.

As we left the hotel we saw about 30 vampires waiting outside.

I and my mates simply stared at them "do you really want to do this?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We are the originals If you think you can beat us, you are sadly mistaken" Elijah said as he took a casual step forward but I knew it was to protect me easier.

Nik took a step forward as well "not to mention we are hybrids, do you truly want to fight when one bite will kill you slowly" Nik said casually with warning in his tone as he flashed his yellow eyes.

Nik took a step forward as well "not to mention we are hybrids, do you truly want to fight when one bite will kill you slowly" Nik said casually with warning in his tone as he flashed his yellow eyes

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Kol took a step closer to me as well as Finn "Lucian is already dead, you will be dying for nothing" Kol said sarcastically with a devilish smirk.

When Kol said Lucian was dead many of the vampires flashed their fangs making the hybrids do the same.

It seemed the yellow eyes made them believe us because most of them were immediately taking steps back but I wasn't one to leave potential enemies running amuck like my mates seem to do. Look where that got them.

I froze everyone where they stood with my magic and motioned to Lydia to do the same so I could focus on other things.

The vampires started grunting while my mates turned to me in confusion.

I just held up a finger before summoning my pocket dimension and pulling my gun full of what I have dubbed Thanos bullets and shot every single vampire present in the leg.

I just held up a finger before summoning my pocket dimension and pulling my gun full of what I have dubbed Thanos bullets and shot every single vampire present in the leg

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When I took the spell away so they could move they were all on the ground growling at me but I just lifted an eyebrow.

One particularly stupid one tried to attack me so I held him in mid-air.

I looked at him coldly "good, you will be my demonstration. Now, I'm sure your all wondering why I just shot you" I said turning to the rest of the vampires I shot with an expectant look on my face.

I sighed "those bullets all have a fun little spell I created that I can detonate remotely anytime any place. They also have a tracking spell so I can find any of you whenever I want to" I said sarcastically.

Some of the vampires growled making me chuckle "see you might not want to do that until you see the effect of these particular bullets" I said casually before snapping my fingers making the vampire I had floating in mid-air disintegrate into ash before their eyes. I am inevitable...Ha! I crack myself up!

They looked at me in shock before fear entered their eyes and they started looking around like caged animals making me smile with a Cheshire cat grin.

"Don't worry this is only a precaution, if you don't work against us I won't kill you, that simple. Just mind your own business and you'll be fine" I said in a sickly sweet tone.

Most of the vampires nodded desperately with fear and panic in their eyes.

Some of the vampires started looking around them for an escape "don't worry, you can leave. But remember never work against the Mikealsons or that will be your fate" I said while motioning to the pile of dust left behind.

Many vampires nodded frantically before running for the hills.

Some stayed and glared at me making me raise an eyebrow challengingly and lift my hand getting ready to snap again "would you like to be next?" I asked sarcastically with a raised eyebrow.

The rest of the vampires sped away then and we left.

Lucian hadn't collected most of his werewolves yet but was in the process as we speak so he knew multiple locations where large packs are.

The only large pack left in America was the crescent pack.

We were actually going to Europe to find the remaining packs and then swinging through Canada on our way back.

Next stop England.


The next one will probably be all fluff and then maybe even the Nik and Kol threesome. Idk yet we will see when the times come lol.

My bf has actually been to London so I'm gonna ask him for some cute date ideas.

I now have an Instagram where I ask opinions and drop spoilers for all of my books. @amber.poconuts

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.


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