Chapter 37

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After letting Kitty kat out of the tomb I took my mates to Mystic grill so I can teach them the wonders of modern food and drink, mostly drink.

I sat down and had Finn order us a bottle of tequila and 4 glasses.

Matt looked at me and Kol with a raised eyebrow "can I see I.D's?" he asked, making my mates confused.

I smiled sweetly at Matt "matty poo, you know how old I am. Now you're either completely unaware of what really happens in this town and completely compellable or you're in the know and will skedaddle like a good little human" I said condescendingly.

He looked confused so I just nodded to Kol to compel him. Huh still ignorant. Guess him and Care not dating made him less of a main character, well annoying side character but whatever.

Kol immediately compelled him to get what we wanted and to forget the conversation.

Once we had the limes and salt and our drinks I showed them how it worked.

Once they had taken their shots they looked amazed, making me smirk.

"I am truly awed with the evaluation of mankind" Finn said while looking at his shot glass in amazement.

Kol laughed at his brother "darling, you must truly be something special to get this one to joke" he said gesturing to Finn

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Kol laughed at his brother "darling, you must truly be something special to get this one to joke" he said gesturing to Finn.

I smirked at him "oh, I get him and Elijah to joke and you to behave, I'm magical like that" I said sarcastically.

He looked slightly offended and challenging "you do not get me to behave, if I wanted I could slaughter this entire bar" he said, getting huffy.

I didn't even say anything just stared at him blankly making him unnerved.

After a minute he pouted "fine, you make me behave" he mumbled making Finn look at him in shock before laughing quietly to himself

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After a minute he pouted "fine, you make me behave" he mumbled making Finn look at him in shock before laughing quietly to himself.

I smirked at them suddenly "I thought so, Don't worry cutie I won't take all your fun away, there are plenty of enemies for you to slaughter" I say jokingly but we both knew I was serious. My mates have a many skills in life, Making enemies is definitely at the top of the list

We ended up ordering a bunch of food so they could try it. When they ate fries their eyes lit up.

Honestly when they ate everything their eyes lit up. Food must have really sucked back then, well back anytime really. Though this food is filled to the brim with chemicals so there are give and takes.

In the middle of our fast food taste test (my head almost immediately said with kieth haversurger lol) Damon walked up to our table.

"The last time I saw you three you were tearing apart wolves, how are you? Where you been? What's the plan to save Elena?" Damon asked sarcastically with his face turning serious at the end.

I smirked at him while my mates glared "well the plan is to do exactly what you idiots did the first time, Johnny boy gives up his life, he even has the spell in one of those fancy gilbert journals. Either BonBon does it like the first time or I do it just in case. Elena lives and bonus, John dies" I explained sarcastically. That is such a big bonus, that ass hat pisses me off!

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow "that's it?" he asked with narrowing eyes.

I shrug "yep, honestly you all need to calm the hell down, not everything revolves around Elena's Petrova kootchi we don't care about her, but we do need her alive so that should be enough of insurance for you" I said casually while leaning back in the booth.

He seemed to actually realize he was making something out of nothing and nodded before walking away to the bar. Damn didn't even say goodbye, How rude.


Once we got back to the house I was slightly drunk since we killed two bottles but whatever.

I walked into the living room screaming "WHERE HOME BITCHES I taught them what tequila was" I said before flopping down on the couch dramatically.

Elijah raised an eyebrow from where he was sitting "yes, I can smell that. Don't you think you should go to bed?" he asked.

I scoffed "Elijah you're adorable, this calls for more drinking, oh can vampires get stoned?" I ask the room.


Turns out they totally fucking can.

I had even gotten Elijah to try it and he was actually chilling the hell out. Pot does magical things.

(if you are a mature adult who knows what they're doing, please don't start smoking if you're young, I don't need that on my consounce. It is interesting that i didn't feel like saying anything until the weed came up but i had them drinking the whole chapter. Even tho seriously if your gonna choose between weed or achohal pick weed, you get blind drunk you could kill yourself weather by being stupid or achohal poisoning, you get really stoned you will eat a whole pizza yourself then go to bed)

Everyone was in the living room either smoking a joint or out of my bong, even Tyler and Rebekah came and hung out.

Tyler smoked with me a lot so he was a champ and was helping Rebekah.

Finn and Elijah were probably the funniest since they were normally so damn proper.

I put on cartoons and we all just sat and watched while munching on different snacks.

I looked over at Elijah when I heard him giggling to himself "you okay over there sunshine?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He turned to me suddenly. "I feel so relaxed, I don't think I have ever not been worried before" he said in wonderment.

I got up and walked over to him before sitting in his lap "that's because you normally live with an oak tree up your ass" I say seriously making everyone laugh.

Even Elijah laughed a bit before glaring at me "hey I like you just the way you are. You just need to loosen up sometimes and this helps with that" I said lovingly before nuzzling my face into his neck.

He wrapped his arms around me and we cuddled a minute before Tom and Jerry did something funny, making us all lose our shit laughing.


Hope u guys r cool with the stoner chapter, i think the next one will be the ritual and then maybe augustine but i'm not sure. We will see. I'm completely open to opinions and if you guys want to see something specific, i'm not promising anything but i do definitely consider whatever you guys want, it just sometimes wont fit in the story i have planned. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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