Chapter 95

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That night while everyone slept Oscar's eyes shot open.

He had a fun night with one of the hybrids and he let his guard drop.

Now a force drove him.

He got up slowly against his will, for all intents and purposes, he was sleepwalking.

Unaware of his actions or who was driving them.

He walked and walked until he came upon a cave.

He felt the cave's many spells and protections one, in particular, was keeping all vampires out.

Before he knew why he was siphoning off the spells and entering the cave.

He saw a coffin sitting innocently in the middle of the cave and the force told him to siphon the spells off of the coffin.

The power of the spells was coursing through his veins already so he was slowly becoming aware of his surroundings.

But not quick enough.


I was sleeping next to Elijah when all of a sudden I felt some of my spells be stripped away.

I immediately sat up with my eyes wide open as I felt another of my spells be stripped away.

It was a particular spell that had every one of my hairs sticking up on end.

It was a spell I put onto Esther's coffin to warn me of any meddling.

I felt with my magic and couldn't find a single one of my enchantments on the cave or the coffin.

I immediately shot out of bed making Elijah wake up looking for a threat.

"Elskan what's wrong?" he asked me concerned once he knew there wasn't a threat in the room.

I looked at him with wide eyes "Code Black" I said franticly as I pulled on one of his shirts.

His eyes widened dramatically before he nodded and got dressed while I walked out into the hall.

I and my mates made a few basic codes to communicate things quickly.

Code Black meant one of their parents was rising from the dead to kill us.

I sighed before whistling loudly and yelling "CODE BLACK" into the house.


It only took 30 seconds before we were all standing in the living room nervously.

I was pacing "so your mother is back. I need you all to hear me and to listen. DO. NOT. TRUST. A. WORD. SHE. SAYS. your mother will try and kill you all over and over even you Finn. For someone who desperately wanted children she really wants you all dead" I said with exhaustion as I sat down on the couch with a huff.

Luckily they all still had their special pendants on them.

They will protect them from mind alteration or any of her other tricks.

They couldn't deflect every spell but they would protect them from any of her rituals or manipulations.

"You won't have to worry about me, darling. I haven't listened to a word that women's said since I was 12" Kol said sarcastically as he downed a glass of bourbon.

Nik grimaced "and I ripped her heart out" he said with no emotion in his voice.

I glared at him "you did that because she punished you for her mistakes and hurt you in the worst way possible. She is a horrible mother who made you purposely weak so her secrets wouldn't be discovered. Nik that little necklace she gave you, took your strength. She caused and stood by as Mikeal beat the crap out of you. Don't forget your reason's to be angry otherwise she will guilt the hell out of you" I told him strictly. I need him angry, not guilty...

I needed them all to realize her betrayals so they didn't fall for her manipulations.

They all looked pissed from that information making me sigh.

"Look, you all need to keep the high ground. She is the one who had an affair, she bargained away her child, she chose to Marry Mikeal against all judgment, she turned you all into vampires and then blamed you all for it. None of her actions are your fault, she is a selfish manipulative bitch that is going to use everything she knows about you to try and destroy you. She has been watching for years on the other side but luckily those pendants protected you from her sight so she won't know everything" I told them all as I paced restlessly.

I didn't have time to be gentle about this.

I could see all of the anger in their eyes and it made me sigh in relief.

They needed to remember it was her actions, not theirs that ruined everything.

She liked to make them feel guilty for things that weren't their fault and I would not stand for it.

I also decided to be direct in another way.

I connected to the coven, they all needed to see the things I knew.

Especially Bekah.

Once I felt them all listening I sighed "ladies Esther Mikealson is out of her cage. You are all protected from her meddling but not her manipulations. You must see" I said into their minds.

I then proceeded to show them Esther's actions and betrayals.

How she abandoned her sister for Mikeal just to sell her daughter and then have an affair.

How she weakened Nik and let him be abused.

Then I showed them what she would have done.

Every time she would attempt to take her children's lives in the future.

"Now you see sisters, she can not be trusted. Protect you mates, we all need mental wards. I'm sorry Bekah, that must have hurt but it needed to be shown, your mother is bat shit crazy and will not be who you need" I said into the connection before disconnecting.

When I came back I could see all of my mates had their game faces on.

I smiled at them "we will get through this, just don't fall for her shit and we'll be fine"

They all nodded and I relaxed slightly.

I sat down and poured myself a glass of wine and waited for her entrance.

As expected a few minutes later she comes strutting through the door just like she did in the show.


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Okay guys we're gonna have this one be the last big plot and then the book ends. I needed something to keep us occupied while I started up my other book. Then we can go to the second in this series.

Okay guys I have voting for Ally's ballgown on Instagram.

The Instagram for my books is @amber.poconuts

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plots

Edited: 2/23/22 

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