Chapter 104

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Esther's eyes widened dramatically as she turned to me "you made a Coven?! How could I not see this?!" she yelled.  

I just smirked "because I didn't want you to" I said simply with a smirk.

Esther shook her head "no matter, you can't enter the circle" she said with certainty.

I smirked "let's see about that" I said before connecting with the girls.

The girls all followed my lead and we surrounded the pentagram at our element points and started disintegrating the spellwork more and more with each step forward.

Esther looked back at the house for help making me laugh "I already handled them Esther, you really shouldn't have crossed me" I said darkly as I pushed more of my power into disintegrating the spell work protecting her.

Within 30 seconds we were able to get in the pentagram making the torches flare before burning out while Esther screamed.

Before she could do anything Elijah knocked her out without a second of hesitation leaving her laying on the ground unconscious.

"Why didn't you just kill her?" Damon asked sarcastically.

Nik scoffed "because she becomes an even bigger pain in the ass as a spirit" he said with an annoyed tone of voice.

I smirked "and that's why I have a different plan for her" I said with a devilish smirk before casting a sleep spell on Esther that wouldn't wear off until I lifted it.


Esther was confused, she had planned for everything that girl shouldn't have been able to stop her.

To find out she had built a coven of old was a shock, she thought that spell had been lost to time.

How is it possible?

She was outwitted by a child!

Esther could tell she was under a sleep spell.

She had tried to break it several times as she felt her body being moved but it wasn't working.

This girls magic was stronger than hers and it unnerved Esther.

The only witch who had been stronger than her was Dahlia.

Her son's mate seemed to rival even that of her sister.

Before Esther could dwell on it any longer she could feel the spell lift that was keeping her asleep.

Immediately she started waking up.

She blinked awake and saw her children and their mates standing in front of her.

She tried to feel for her magic but it felt drained somehow.


I smirked as I saw Esther wake up.

She looked around in alarm making me smirk "looking for your magic? We siphoned what you had before you woke up. Don't worry it will come back, not that it will matter" I said sarcastically.

Esther grew alarmed but before she could question it Finn stepped forward.

Esther seemed to think he would help her but that hope slowly died as she heard what he said.

Finn looked at her with a pleading expression "Why would you do this? Why do you refuse to let us be happy? You could have embraced us and actually been our mother but instead, you try and kill us and our mate.....Why?" He asked with a slight strain to his voice as he tried to get answers from the women who had raised him.

Esther seemed to falter slightly before shaking her head "I needed to fix my mistake, Vampires were never meant to walk this earth" She said with false confidence.

I snorted but before I could make a sarcastic remark Bekah glared at her "that would be fine and good reasoning except we haven't hurt the innocent since we've found out mates. Did you see us kill one person while you were there?! NO! Our mates have grounded us and you want to take that from us? What kind of mother are you?!" She screamed with tears running down her face.

Besides Finn, Bekah was the closest to their mother being the only girl.

Well besides Freya but she wasn't raised with them and for obvious reasons Loathed the earth Esther walked on.

She had been hoping her mother wouldn't try and kill them so she was even more hurt by the betrayal.

Esther actually had a bit of sadness in her eyes before they hardened "you all have done enough and as much as you have improved with your mates it will not last. I have watched you through the ages. It never lasts" She said scoldingly.

I laughed mockingly and stepped forward "see that's where you're wrong. They have me and I keep them in check. I do that by not holding them back from their bloodthirsty nature but instead directing it at those that really deserve it. Your children are not monsters Esther, they were abused and damaged by you and Mikeal so much that all they need is someone that actually gives a damn. They needed actual love without selfish intentions behind it. As their mates, we give them that and it comes with no strings attached. If you would have simply been an actual mother to your children all the things you hate about them wouldn't be a problem. You are the creator of your own misfortunes" I said sarcastically but she could see the murder in my eyes.

I could tell she didn't actually listen so I shrugged "no matter you will have plenty of time to dwell on it" I said with fake sweetness.

Esther glared at all of us "am I going back to the other side?" she ground out.

Kol scoffed "that would be too good for you mother dearest" he said with a vindictive smirk on his face.

Esther had a confused look on her face making Nik chuckle with mirth "see we learned our lesson, left to the peace of death you will only plot and scheme. No, we have thought of a better fate for you" he said casually while starting to walk out.

I and my mates followed behind him.

Before we left I turned around and waved sarcastically to Esther "have fun in your new prison, Esther. Well, Prison world" I said with a vindictive glee in my eyes.

I closed the door and walked away to the sound of her screaming for us not to leave her here.


And now for my shameless Patreon plug. If you would like early access to the next chapter go and check out my Patreon. There are multiple options varying in price. I hope to see you there because I would love to continue writing full-time.

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So I was going to kill her but this way i have her in my back pocket.

I wanted to just send her to hell but realistically she makes so much of the original's plot that would not have been smart.

So this way i can have her come back if we ever need her.

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

Edited: 2/23/22

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