Chapter 116

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The next morning I woke up in Nik's arms. I didn't want to open my eyes.

The second I open my eyes I have to get up. 

When I get up I have to deal with things.

When I have to deal with things I have to Kill Elena, when I do that I possibly lose Jeremy.

So with every ounce of my self-control I tried to go back to sleep.

I snuggled into Nik, determined to not get up yet. Screw that, I don't wanna, I wanna go back to bed, I don't have to deal with Dopplesluts in my sleep!

I fought with all my might but I couldn't get back to sleep.

I groaned into Niks chest making him chuckle "Love, I know you don't want to face the day but it won't be that bad. The trollop tried to kill her family yesterday, I don't think they will be crying over spilled milk" he said calmingly as he ran his hand up and down my back.

I shook my head "Stop being reasonable, it doesn't suit you" I said playfully with a small smirk growing on my face.

Nik guffawed "And I thought you were proud of my progress! I could go back to killing first and asking questions later" He said teasingly as he gave my hair a small tug so I would look up at him.

I smirked when my eyes met his "I suppose you can keep making progress, thank you, I feel better" I said warmly as I leaned forward to give him a kiss.


Once I was ready for the day I texted all the girls to start packing, as soon as Elena was dead we were leaving this town.

I wanted to enjoy the next few years before we get to New Orleans, and we can't do it here.

This town was better off without us, we would check up on the town every once in a while but otherwise, we were leaving for good.

I would keep my house as a sort of base of operations, also an easy way to travel here quickly, the door spell goes both ways. The spell simply connects two locations by a door, I could do that with any location as long as I was familiar with it.

But that was for later, right now I need to kill a certain Doppelganger.

I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a blood bag. I poured half of it into my cup of coffee before putting the rest back in the fridge for later, blood is way more sustaining than food. It doesn't taste like anything and it fuels me like a motherfucker, plus no calories!

Once I had that I walked to the living room to find Nik and Elijah telling the hybrids what to pack and Kol just sitting and watching amused.

He had one of my pendants in his hands and was using it to fuck with the hybrids which Finn just rolled his eyes at and snatched the pendant from his hands with a disapproving scowl on his face.

Kol looked at him offended and started sitting up like he was about to attack Finn for the pendant.

Before Kol could start another fight I walked in and gave them each a quick kiss before sitting on the couch "So what's the Eta? How soon can we blow this popsicle stand?" I asked casually as I took a sip of my blood coffee.

Elijah smiled endearingly while Nik moved to continue telling people what to do. His skill in life is bossing people around.

"We should be ready to leave by tomorrow evening. We will go to Paris first, then we will travel through the French countryside until we decide on a new destination" he said with a casual shrug.

I stared into my coffee for a few moments with wide eyes. They're taking me to Paris...Paris! Damn am I the luckiest bitch on the planet! What am I gonna wear? I have to get some lingerie for the occasion, they earned it! Paris!

Kol snorted amused "I think you broke our Mate Elijah, how could you do such a thing?" He asked jokingly with a devilish smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes with a large smile "I'm not broken, I just never thought a man would take me to Paris, now I have four men who want to show me the world. It's just an adjustment. I knew it would happen eventually with you guys but to expect it and for it to happen are two very different things" I said jokingly as I gave Kol a pointed look.


I walked down to the cell the doppelganger was in.

She was just laying there staring at nothing, her eyes empty. That is pathetic...

I shook my head sadly "What happened to you? I know you never liked me but to try and do all that? Try and kill Jeremy? What? Don't have anything to say?" I asked, anger growing in my tone the longer she stayed silent.

She didn't say anything for a few moments before she lazily looked up at me and met my eyes "Just end it" was all she said, her eyes only holding contempt.

John shook his head desperately from his cell "No, Elena you can't give up! You need to get out of here!" He said desperately as he tried to get his daughter to fight back. It's not gonna work, she's dead no matter what.

Elena just ignored him, I looked over at him with no emotion on my face "there's nothing either of you can do. You had your chance to say goodbye, you chose to try and kill your brother instead. He doesn't want anything else to do with you" I said with judgment leaking out into my tone.

Elena scowled "My family wouldn't abandon me" she said with resistance growing in her eyes again.

I sighed sadly and shook my head "they would have, had you not tried to kill Jeremy. I called him you know? He told me he didn't want to see you again. To just be done with it so they can move on. He knows it's a lost cause" I told her with no remorse for the crushing things I was saying. She deserved to hear it.

I watched as the growing resistance was crushed and replaced with madness as she started ranting and raving.

She didn't even make sense anymore, just incoherent words of rage.

I pitied her at this point, the Elena I had grown up with was gone. Replaced by some crazy bitch.

I was really starting to think Esther did some damage when she gave her back her memories, it wasn't like she would care about the consequences. The bitch is probably cackling in her prison world as we speak...

I snapped my fingers, breaking her neck.

I walked into the cell casually and put a hand to her head. I used my magic to sense for Esther's meddling. Yep, took a giant chunk out of her reasoning skills...yea and that would be her ability to empathize with people. Jesus Esther really is a bitch...

I shook my head sadly as I pulled out of her mind.

That didn't change anything, it was irreversible, letting her live now would be like letting loose a rabid wolf with rabies on a flock of deer. Not pretty at all.

I was going to infect her with Nik's venom but now I was hesitant. I wanted her to feel pain before but now I knew it wasn't completely her fault.

I glanced at John who was watching me angrily. I shouldn't make him watch his daughter die, I'm a bitch but that's just cruel...

With two last acts of Mercy for the dopplebitch I snapped Johns's neck so he wouldn't see his daughter die before magically pulling her heart from her chest like I did with Sage.

It was quick and painless, I left her body there as I walked out of the basement and vanished the door. I may have Mercy but I'm not a saint...


Short wrap-up chapter then we're I've been editing this book for so long it felt weird to write again.

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plot. 

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