Chapter 41

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Damon took Elena with him and left his brother to find his own way home when he woke up from his snapped neck.

I was going to have a little torture session but I think it would be best saved for the next time he pisses me off. I might just kill him then.

Kol followed Nik in his wolf form while I went back to the house with Elijah and Finn.

As we sat down in the living room I decided to bring up the next thing on the agenda.

"So who wants to take down a secret vampire society that is trying to make a disease that makes vampires feed off each other?" I asked casually with a raised eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" Elijah asked while sitting up straighter and giving me his full attention.

With that, I explained Augustine and how we should start preparing and then go in with all of their siblings and possibly the Martins.

They agreed and we spent the next few days with Kol and Finn switching off and us all researching Augustine and the best plan of attack.


I decided we should check on the Salvatore's and make sure miss Perfect came back to life. I also need to get my pendants back from Bonbon.

This time Kol and Elijah came with me, they said they don't trust the Salvatore idiots for a second and would in theory at least be deterrents. can't argue with their logic.

So here I was walking straight into the boarding house with an original on each side of me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Stefan asked angrily with a growl.

My eyes narrowed and I made him drop to his knees with my magic as I started boiling his blood

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My eyes narrowed and I made him drop to his knees with my magic as I started boiling his blood.

I took slow deliberate steps towards him as I spoke "you know, I am getting so tired of your attitude. Who the hell do you think you are? I have helped you so fucking much but I am done helping you or your little Petrova girlfriend. You are the epitome of a spoiled eternally 17-year-old. Ooohh boo who I killed my abusive dick of a dad. Oh Woah me, I rip people's heads off. You know maybe if you got off your high horse you might not go all ripper every five seconds. Do you understand how much of a hypocritical child you are?" I asked angrily.

As I spoke I increased the boiling of his blood to the point where he was groaning in pain

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As I spoke I increased the boiling of his blood to the point where he was groaning in pain.

Damon sped into the room but didn't interfere "what do you need witchy?" he asked hesitantly and he glanced nervously between me and Stefan.

I sent him a sarcastic smile "is blood bag alive?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He looked slightly constipated but nodded.

I turned back to Stefan "so I'm guessing John gave you the dagger?" I asked him condescendingly.

He just glared at me making me raise an eyebrow "well I'm guessing he did, which means he is dead by the way" I said casually.

He growled at me "don't touch him you bitch" he said angrily while thrashing on the ground in pain.

My eyes narrowed dangerously while my mates growled, Damon just shook his head sadly.

I grabbed his head and said a spell in Latin lowly while simultaneously raising the burning to an all-time high before letting it stop when i9 finished the spell.

Once I was done I threw him to my mates "have fun while I have a chat with Damon, Don't kill him" I said as I casually walked into the other room as they started breaking bones.

Damon followed behind me reluctantly while looking back into the room and flinching every time his brother screamed.

I poured myself some bourbon "if your brother ever does something stupid like that again my slight fondness for you will not matter, I will kill him myself" I said seriously.

He nodded "I get it, I have no idea where that kid's head is" he said while running a hand over his face in exhaustion.

I nodded and took a sip of my drink "Would you like to come to Augustine with us to free your friend Enzo?" I asked casually.

His head shot up "what? He's alive?" he asked eagerly.

I nodded "yep and I will let you come when we get him but I need you to get Elena's first blood donation for me, normally I would just drag her ass kicking and screaming but I just don't have it in me today. So if you do this for me I will do that for you, but know if you trick me I will personally walk over here and kill your brother in front of you both and then take what I want anyway. I am not playing games here and I will not put up with any more of your brothers or doppelbitche's games" I said with fire in my eyes.

He nodded frantically "done, I will make sure they don't try anything again. When is this happening?" he asked.

I smiled at him and finished my drink. "I'll tell you once you get me that blood. If you want to do me a favor can you get my pendants from BonBon? Again I could but I am not in the mood for any more hissy-fits today and I might just end up killing someone, probably the next person to piss me off" I said sarcastically while I sat down in the chair with a huff.

He raised an eyebrow "fine but I want something too" he said casually as he sat down in the chair across from me.

I smirked at him "aww Damon your learning, I'm so proud" I said as I brought my hands excitedly to my face like a proud mother just to piss him off.

He rolled his eyes at me but smirked.

I raised an eyebrow "so, what do you want?" I asked while leaning back in my chair.


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Eh, fuck it let's end it here. I hope u guys like what I did and don't worry you will find out the little spell I pulled on Stephan, give u a hint Sabrina and the witchy sisters did it to the guys in season 1. Lol I hope u guys get that reference. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

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