Chapter 105

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Before we left I turned around and waved sarcastically to Esther "have fun in your new prison, Esther. Well, Prison world" I said with a vindictive glee in my eyes.

I closed the door and walked away to the sound of her screaming for us not to leave her here.

Once we left the prison world we all went home exhausted.

We just needed to take the rest of the night to party.

The second we were in the house I plopped down on the couch before summoning my bong from my pocket dimension and taking a massive rip.

"Well that was a fun field trip" Kol said excitedly with a sarcastic edge to his voice.

I rolled my eyes while Bekah scowled "we just left our mother in a prison world. How could you be making jokes?" She asked accusingly with a scolding glare on her face.

Kol just rolled his eyes while Nik poured himself a glass of bourbon "I can honestly say that woman has not been my mother for years" he said casually but I could see the hurt in his eyes making me pull him down next to me.

Bekah scowled but Elijah scoffed "she was nothing more than a glorified egg donor that let us be raised by a maniac while she sat back and watched him destroy us, when she wasn't doing her own brand of damage" he said bitterly as he also poured himself a drink.

Finn just sat glaring at the wall angrily with a glass of scotch in his hands.

He suddenly broke the glass making it shatter in his hands.

We all immediately winced, making Finn's eyes widen as he looked at my hand.

I could see the panic so I tried to give him a gentle smile but he just looked like someone who accidentally kicked their favorite puppy before running out of the room with vampire speed.

I got up immediately and turned to the others "I will handle the unlinking tomorrow, right now I have to go make sure he doesn't kill something" I said with a sigh before walking towards the direction Finn went.

"Ah yes, My brothers never give you a moment's rest do they?" Bekah asked sarcastically as I walked out.

I didn't stay to listen to the inevitable family squabble.

At least I knew it wouldn't get violent since I was still connected to them and none of my mates would purposely let me be hurt.


I found Finn sitting in his room with his head in his hands.

I immediately sat down next to him and grabbed his hand.

He didn't look up but he also didn't pull away.

"You know I'm fine, right? I healed after a few seconds" I said quietly.

He winced but nodded "it doesn't change the fact I caused you pain" he said sadly as he looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

I smiled at him "it only hurt for a second, it was just a glass. I've been through worse. Now tell me what this is really about?" I asked gently.

He turned away from me but I caught the grimace so I just waited silently until he sighed.

He turned back towards me slowly with wide vulnerable eyes "I hurt my mother today...what is to keep me from hurting you?" he said in barely a whisper.

I gave him a sympathetic smile before grabbing his face gently "because I'm your mate. You don't need to feel bad for what happened today. It's been well established that your mother is a raging bitch" I said with a small encouraging smile.

He gave me a half-smile but didn't look convinced.

I sighed sadly before kissing him passionately.

At first, he didn't respond but it seemed whatever resolve he had broke as he suddenly flipped me under him with a growl.

When we pulled away for air I ran my hands through his hair gently and smiled at him.

"You would never hurt me on purpose Finn, no part of you will ever be able to hurt me" I said quietly.

He relaxed fully on top of me and just held me for a few minutes.


Eventually, we both went back downstairs to find some very stoned originals sitting around the Living room.

Kol pulled me into his lap with a smirk "well now that my broody brother is done hogging you, it's my turn" he said childishly.

I just smacked his chest playfully and rolled my eyes.

I would have normally scolded him about the fact I wasn't an object but he was too stoned to care so I would let it pass, this time.

"So what are we going to do about this link situation?" Tyler asked from where he was sitting with Bekah in his lap.

I smirked "I can have it reversed by tomorrow, I just used way too much magic today and I would prefer not to waste a pendent when some sleep will do the job just fine" I said with a cheeky smirk.

Tyler just rolled his eyes, he was used to me by now.

"So what do you need from us, Love?" Nik asked casually.

I shrugged "just some blood, I should probably get the blood of the coven as well in case I need it, we shouldn't but Esther's spell entwined with the coven bond so it may be needed" I said with a shrug as I took another hit.

Elijah shrugged "that will be easy enough, then we need to handle the doppelganger. Who knows what she is going to stir up" He said with a bit of exhaustion in his voice.

I scoffed before breaking out in laughter while Bekah scowled.

"Why do Petrova's always have to be so bloody dramatic. Kathrine is the most tolerable of that lot and that's saying something since she is a right pain in the ass" She said angrily as she crossed her arms on a huff.

We all lost our minds then and broke out in uncontrollable laughter. Bekah sure can hold a grudge.


And now for my shameless Patreon plug. If you would like early access to the next chapter early go and check out my Patreon. There are multiple options varying in price. I hope to see you there because I would love to continue writing full-time.

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And my profile is amber_poconuts


So I thought I would make a more fluff chapter since it has been so much plot lately. I hope you all liked it.

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

Edited: 2/23/22

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