Chapter 115

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I very much recommend you either go read the last few chapters or the whole book if you haven't read it in a while. I just jump straight back in. 

The next day I greeted Jeremy, Jenna, and Alaric with a small forced smile as I let them in.

Kol was by my side and I could see him giving them a warning look from the corner of my eye.

I sighed "I think you all deserve to see the truth for yourselves, come on" I said simply with very little emotion as I motioned for them to follow me.

As I turned around I heard Kol say "My mate wants you all to live and wants to grant you this mercy but know if you try anything it will not end well" he said simply before following me.

I didn't even dispute it, I wouldn't let my mates kill them but if they tried anything stupid there would be consequences.

I could tell Jeremy wouldn't and I was pretty sure Alaric wasn't that stupid.

I could see Jenna slightly glaring at me and my mates but she wouldn't do anything stupid either. At least I hope.

It hurt knowing she now saw me as an enemy, I had always liked Jenna.

I guided them towards a guest room where I had placed Elena this morning.

I didn't think showing them my dungeon would be the best idea so I had just trapped her in the room with a spell.

She wouldn't be able to get out and no one could say she wasn't comfortable.

I lead them to the room and opened the door.

Elena immediately shot towards the door and tried to escape so I decided to compel her "You will be calm, You will tell the unfiltered truth" I said simply before motioning for them to go in. Let's just get this over with...I want to leave this town for good.

Elena immediately calmed down and looked at her family confused.

I didn't need to watch this part so I grabbed the door handle "knock when you're done. I won't intrude" I said simply before closing the door and walking down the hall.


Jeremy turned towards Elena immediately "Why did you go after them Elena?!" he asked with anger in his voice.

Jenna put a hand on his arm to try and calm him down while Elena blinked in confusion, Allison's compulsion kicking in "Because she took everything from me, I had the Salvatore's and all my friends wrapped around my finger before she screwed everything up! My life was perfect! She had always been annoying but I had enough. I wanted her gone!" Elena said angrily.

Jermy and Jenna both looked at her with no comprehension, they couldn't understand. Who was this standing in front of them? Was this how she was the whole time? Did they just never see it?

"WHAT THE HELL ELENA?!" Jeremy screamed as he shook with rage.


I used my vamp hearing to listen in while they talked. Sue me! I want to make sure she doesn't hurt them. I absolutely do not care what is benign said in there! ...Wow I'm even lying to myself now, this town has broken me...

I heard Jeremy scream in anger and then some more yelling before I heard a loud crash and Jenna let out a scream of panic.

I sped into the room immediately only to see Elena throw Jeremy's unconscious body to the ground.

She turned towards me and growled her fangs on full display.

Elena immediately tried to run at me but I just snapped her neck and ran straight to Jeremy to check him over. This biotch really is fucking selfish and batshit crazy! What is wrong with her?!

Jenna dropped down on the ground next to me as I put a hand over Jeremy's heart and head to sense what had happened.

He was dead but I saw he had the Gilbert ring on making me sigh in relief and slump back on the ground in a crisscross motion with an exhausted sigh of relief.

He had a snapped neck which I immediately corrected so he wouldn't wake up with his head on wrong.


Alaric and Jenna brought an unconscious Jeremy back home while I violently threw the doppelbitch back in her cell.

How could she attack her little brother like that?! Fucking psycho bitch!

Kol would have put her in her cell but I wanted to do it myself.

Once I was done I walked upstairs with a scowl. I still want to kill something...

I found Kol standing out there waiting for me with a concerned expression on his face.

"Are you okay darling?" He asked gently with an innocent puppy look that made me melt slightly but I was still too annoyed and high-strung to truly relax.

I sighed "How would you feel about some training? I think I just need to let off some steam" I said as I rolled my shoulders.

Kol nodded happily "that can be arranged darling, I would love to see your skills first hand" he said excitedly while he guided us outside.

I stopped him when we passed the stairs "let me go get into workout clothes" I said excitedly as I ran upstairs.


Once I have dressed in my leggings and sports bra I immediately led Kol outside so we could spar.

I could tell my outfit was distracting him witch made me smirk. Working like a charm.

We made a sort of circle area and whoever got the other pinned or thrown out of the circle won that round.

When we started the first round I walked around Kol assessing him.

I knew even with my connection to Bekah that without my magic I wasn't a match for any of my mate's raw strength.

I circled him looking for weak points while Kol just stood there with a cocky smirk waiting for my attack.

I decided to just screw it and go for it.

That was a mistake as in a second I was pinned by a smirking Kol who seemed to love the position.

I just rolled my eyes and pushed him off me while getting up.

Kol decided he would make the first move this round and tried to grab my arm but before he could get a good grip I kicked his legs out from under him.

In his moment of surprise I did what he was trying to do and held his arms behind his back so he couldn't move.

He tried to struggle for a moment before sighing "Fine darling you win this round" he groaned out in defeat.

I stood up with a proud smile on my face.

Kol rolled his eyes and we continued to spar for the next hour.


Well hello again, did you miss me?

No, there will not be regular updates, I no longer force myself to write like I used to. When I start posting for the second book I will try and stick with once-a-week updates. But I did finish the first book and will post the last few chapters after they are edited. Probably either later tonight or tomorrow.

P.s this was partly already written so that's why it just goes straight into it again. if I had freshly written it there probably would have been a bit more lead up. 

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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