Chapter 81

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I sat on the couch with my knees bouncing up and down as I waited for the girls to arrive.

I had sent the text a few minutes ago that I wanted to talk to all of them. I had gotten various responses but I just asked them to meet me here.

I knew they would be mad but what choice did I have?!

I would never ask them to hide something from their mates and I didn't know if I could trust their mates or not.

Especially Damon. Anything Damon knows Stefon knows and I do not want that broody bunny eater anywhere near my secrets. I also don't know Luca that well but I do know he is a witch so I can trust him with this.

I got up and walked over to the Liquor table and poured myself a glass of brandy before I pounded it.

I poured myself a second and walked back over to the couch.

I heard the door suddenly slam open and Care start screaming "BITCH YOU BETTER HAVE AN EXPLAINATION FOR THIS SHIT! the world better be on fire for you to leave me this vague ass bullshit on my phone?! Come to my place we have to talk?! What the hell is that?" she asked as she walked straight up to me showing the text that I sent. Yes, because I didn't know what it said already?...

I laughed "thanks I really needed that" I said when I had calmed down.

She sat down on the other couch in a huff and crossed her arms.

She raised an expectant eyebrow at me "I'm still waiting for my answer?" she said sarcastically.

I smirked in amusement "being honest this is not going to be a fun talk and you especially are going to be pissed but just know I only did it because I thought it was best" I said apprehensively.

She was about to speak but I held up my hand "and I still agree that it was for the best. I haven't waited longer than I needed to tell you. The second I thought it was safe information to share I am sharing it. That is what this is" I said seriously.

She looked like she wanted to argue but she seemed to understand my point and just nodded and waited for the others.

It wasn't long before I was sitting in front of four expectant women who wanted to know what the hell was happening.

I took a deep breath and then a sip of my brandy before putting it down on the coffee table.

I clapped my hands together and looked at them all with my best businesswoman persona.

"I haven't been completely honest with you all. Now it's not because I didn't want to tell you because I have. Some of you I've wanted to tell for years. I was originally going to just tell this secret to my mates and no one else but with the coven, I feel like you all should be made aware" I said with no emotion in my voice. Just rip the bandaid off!

I watched as their faces grew angry for a second before they calmed down.

"Why didn't you tell us when we formed the coven?" Lydia asked hesitantly.

I smiled a bit "your mates, I would never ask you to keep a secret from them and as such until I trusted them to keep my secrets I couldn't tell you. At this point, I know them well enough to not spill all my juicy secrets so I can tell you" I explained.

They all nodded to my reasoning making relief flood through me. Maybe this won't be so bad.

I took another deep breath and continued "I do not see the future. I have occasionally got a witchy vision of what will happen but those are rare. I died and was given a second life. I chose to come here. This was my favorite show" I said, my voice getting slightly high pitch with my nerves.

They all blinked at me in shock before looking at me like I was crazy.

The only one that looked to believe me was Caroline if the way she was looking at me like everything made sense was anything to go by

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The only one that looked to believe me was Caroline if the way she was looking at me like everything made sense was anything to go by.

"I think she's bloody crazy. Of god my brothers get a nutter for a predictable" Bekah said in a huff as she threw her hands in the air.

I laughed lightly "I am not crazy...well no crazier than normal. I'm serious, that's where all my future knowledge comes from. I used to watch this shit from my hospital bed all day. When I died I was given the chance to come here and live again, of course I took it" I said dramatically.

Care was looking at me in slight betrayal "why didn't you ever tell me?" she asked quietly.

I smiled regretfully at her "you were still a child honey. I got all my memories from my last life when I turned 7. Suddenly I was a grown woman in a child's body surrounded by children. I helped you all I could. Made sure you had good childhoods instead of the shitty ones you would have had. Why do you think I always acted like your mothers? I felt like it" I told her with nothing but honesty and caring in my voice.

The other girls were starting to believe me, especially Bonnie.

She looked at me confused "I remember that. When we were little, one day you just started acting like an adult. Elena complained about it relentlessly. After a while we just got used to it" she said quietly as she looked at me with shock in her eyes.


So there is part one of this uncomfortable conversation. Hope u guys are excited for all of the reactions and everything. I don't really know how it will come out but I'm hoping for something good lol. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

edited: 2/11/22 

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