Chapter 112

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Once I pulled out of her mind I stood up and looked at her on the floor with no emotion before using my magic to pull her heart from her chest and let it fall to the floor with a splat.


The second her heart was on the ground I felt the magic of my line stop directing my actions.

I sighed at the sight of Sage dead before turning to two very concerned Mates who were immediately mother henning me.

It didn't help that I had just recovered from magical exhaustion and they were already protective as hell.

I was immediately being squashed by two originals before being scolded.

When that happened I put my foot down "hey don't get on my ass, you felt it too. I couldn't fight it if I tried. I didn't, because it was the right thing to do but you can't fight mother nature" I told them as I crossed my arms and pouted.

Nik just shook his head and kept fussing for a few minutes while Kol latched on to my side and would not let go.


It took 15 minutes to get them to calm down enough to go home.

In that time Damon was very vocal about being impressed.

I think it was the first time he actually saw how powerful I was.

I just killed a 900 year old vampire with very little effort after being magically exhausted.

I was a badass and now he fucking knew it.

At least that's what he said.

It would have been more amusing if I wasn't dealing with two clingy mates and I have yet to even tell the other two mates what happened and deal with them.

After a few minutes, I left with my mates and an unconscious doppelganger to go back home while Damon handled the body.


The second we came in the door Kol being Kol screamed out "Finn your ex is dead!!!" into the house.

I facepalmed before walking into the living room and taking a massive rip from the bong that sits on the coffee table at all times because I fucking needed it.

Finn stood up immediately with scrunched eyebrows.

First, he looked me over to make sure I was fine before turning towards Kol "excuse me?" he asked.

Kol smirked and flopped onto the couch "Sage, the trollop you used to screw. She came into the Grill while we were having our fun night and Now she's dead. Thought I would let you know" Kol said sarcastically.

Finn blinked in shock.

He didn't know it but I was watching him like a fucking hawk.

He picked the right reaction and immediately turned to me and looked me over again making sure I was okay.

He looked at me with his concerned puppy look which made me melt "Did she hurt you?" he asked gently as he took a step towards me.

I smile gently and shook my head making him sigh in relief and pull me into his arms.

"No, she didn't get the chance, I killed her before she could. She'd killed her mate, it had to be done" I said quietly into his chest.

He stiffened when I said she killed her mate and hugged me a little closer.

Nik made a scoffing noise as he poured himself a drink and told one of his hybrids to take Elena to the Dungeon downstairs.

She could have the cell next to John. I'm sure she will enjoy seeing Bio Daddy, what fun!

"She gave us a good fright but in all seriousness, it was quite impressive. She didn't even have to touch her, just pulled her heart straight from her chest after getting any information from her. Our mate is very powerful" Nik said as he looked at me with impressed and slightly aroused eyes.

I rolled my eyes with a blush growing on my cheeks and took another hit.

"Well I did always tell you I was capable of taking care of myself, now I have vampire features too. The day something actually causes a challenge is a bad fucking day" I said casually.

They all nodded in agreement.

When Finn sat down I happily sat in his lap and started running my fingers through his hair.

I knew he was mine but this made me feel a little more reassured and it wasn't like he minded.


I walked into Elena's cell with a vindictive smirk.

I saw she was talking to Johnny boy, making me want to cackle.

John glared at me but even I could see it was half-assed. he probably wants to beg me for blood right now more than anything. Pathetic.

I made an awe sound "are we getting reacquainted? Well enough of that" I said condescendingly before snapping my fingers to snap Johns's neck.

Elena whimpered pathetically making me raise an unimpressed eyebrow "what? He's fine. He's a vampire. So what was the plan Elena? Did you really believe for a second trying to work against me would benefit you? You should have high-tailed it out of this town the second you were a vampire. Maybe you would have survived" I said casually with an unimpressed look on my face.

Elena scowled at me and glared "I wanted what was mine" was all she said. Wow, pathetic is right...

I laughed loudly at that "they were never yours you psycho! The only person you can ever call yours is your mate. And it is an equal ownership thing. I would have said your kids but you screwed that one up." I said as I motioned to her and her vampyness.

She glared hatefully at me and I could see the crazy and denial in her eyes making me sigh with resolution.

She saw my expression and looked around for an escape "what are you going to do to me?! You can't kill me?!" She said frantically as her eyes darted around the room.

I could see the desperation in her eyes making me sigh and shake my head "it's better for everyone, you're insane and the world can use one less insane Doppelganger" I said with no regret in my tone.

I had been waiting to kill this bitch for months now.

As one last hail marry the Doppelganger said "what about Jermey?! He will hate you!"


Tadaaaa that's what my brain did lol.

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot.

Edited: 2/24/22 

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